Music genres

I mainly listen to video game music honestly. As I type this, I'm listening to a Sega Genesis remix of Labyrinth Zone from the Master System version of Sonic 1. xD But I also love classic house music and 90's alternative too.
8 years

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

I'm finding it to be a bit of a hassle to bend down now that I've gained weight. I tend to get a bit out of breath if I have to bend over to tie my shoes. xD
8 years

Officially overweight

At 5 feet and weighing at 190 lbs. my bmi is 37.1 which puts me at class II obese. smiley I'm getting closer to class III. smiley
8 years

How big is your belly ?

50% Hopefully in about another month or two that number will be a bit bigger. smiley
8 years

Currently listening to

Take a Walk by Dan Mason
8 years

Weight gain since being a member ff

So as it turns out, when I got the scale weeks ago I was at 177. I'm now at 185 and I'm still gaining weight. Returning to FF has really helped me pack on the pounds, seeing all the women getting bigger around here is really helping me get to my first goal. smiley
8 years

Should i gain or should i not?

You should do what makes you happy. If gaining weight makes you happy, then I say go for it. But if you have doubts, perhaps you should stop for now and maybe sometime in the future you'll be up to gaining more weight. BTW this is off topic but I love your avatar, Rose Quartz is my Steven Universe waifu.
8 years

Pokemon! ^_^

Woo so Pokemon Sun and Moon is real? smiley I'm getting Moon for sure, my girlfriend will be getting Sun. Now if only I can find my 2DS before these games come out... >_> Also Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow are getting re-released tomorrow! And best of all, the glitches aren't patched which makes me very happy! smiley
8 years

Box of twinkies fail.

Like with anything, practice makes perfect. If you can't eat an entire box of Twinkies now, you should probably stretch your stomach out some more that way you can consume more food. smiley And once your stomach is stretched out, I'm sure you'll be able to eat an entire box. Time and patience is key when you want to gain.
8 years

Noticing a change in breathing

Oh yes i've definitely been noticing that it's a bit more difficult to lift heavy things at work and pull pallets now that I've gained some weight within the past week. This is honestly how I felt when I first started working at my job a few years ago, so I probably lost some weight when I first started working there and now that I'm purposely gaining weight and packing on the pounds I get winded more often than before. xD I should really start looking for a office job, but it'll probably be a bit difficult for me to do so... :\
8 years