Low photo ratings.

As always, I agree with Kid A, she's a wise girl. I used to give a top rating to anyone who had a low rating at one time, but it can get rather time consuming, but I still do it at times. What often gets overlooked is the age of the person posting pictures.

I know when I was 18 my ego was very fragile. I took rejection rather badly, becoming more introverted and all the more awkward around girls that I fancied. When someone posting pics is young or new, negative comments, or ratings can make the person feel rejected, particularly if they have had negative comments made about their weight, shape or looks throughout school. It seems churlish to give out negativity and also destructive, as some new girls on here may feel that it's not worth bothering with.

When I was young I often felt unsure about my sexual desires. A site like this back then would have had such a positive impact on me that I could have been much more comfortable with my preferences. Peer pressure clearly has something to do with childish behavour from those that would rate low, but I also wonder whether some of these ratings are given by persons still firmly in the closet and not wishing to accept their real desires.
13 years

Fat girls with skinny boyfriends/fat men with skinny girlfriends

Having been slim most of my life, the contrast does look good. Certainly what "Lovely Plumper" said was a very good point. When I met my wife our weight difference was about 70-80lbs and at on epoint was probably 100lbs. I've gained a little and she's lost a some, so the difference is only about 60lbs now. But it's still a good contrast, as I'm 5'11 and she's 5'5. She only ever fancied slim, or well toned men.
13 years

Attention whores !!!

You have nothing but admiration from me. ***s, who say you're attention seeking are really self defeating. This site and others, needs girls like you, that have the gumption to go forward with their desires. That it is so against convention is why it's hard for people to accept. So many girls feel unable to get over the hurdle of their true feelings, whatever, their fetish, but you have shown real class to say this is what I am, this is what turns me on.

I personally hope you stay here for a long time as your pictures and videos brighten my day. It's a shame Perth looks so negatively about your gain, as it's miles from anywhere else. Only when there are enough girls as brave as you is this fetish/preference going to get accepted. I notice more women and men are beginning to say to themselves, look this is the real me, I'm not going to compromise, deal with it. I love your posts on this site too as you show that side of your personality too.
13 years

Close to 25 and still a virgin

I lost my virginity at 21, just so that I wasn't a virgin anymore. She was the one doing all the moves to get me in bed. She did turn me on, but I didn't really feel that much for her and the sex was moderate at best. This made me believe sex was very much over rated.

I later met a wonderful 19 year old girl shortly before my 25th, this was only my second time and I was open enough to tell her that, because she was so genuine. I had got to 25 when we did make love. The sex was unbelievably good, because we fancied and loved each other so much. She said it would have been so wonderful if she had popped my cherry, even though she wasn't overly experienced herself. It was something very special, but could have been even more so had I waited for my special girl. We had just under 5 glorious years together and I will always have those lovely memories of our relationship.

It really shouldn't matter what age you lose your virginity. This is something you learn as you get older. When your a teenager and into your early twenties you always seem desperate to lose it. As if that really proves your a man, believe me it doesn't. Waiting for someone you really have feelings for is what you need, for something that should be a special moment.
13 years

Will feederism ever be...

This is a fascinating subject and reminds me of my dissetation at university. "Plump women and western society, the fear of getting fat" 1997. As all replies to this question have appeared relatively in some form on my dissertation. Amicuscuriosus, Moonchild and Kid A, all captured some of my writing.

In those days NAAFA seemed much more positive than it is today and Feederism was considered a fairly new concept. It certainly didn't have loads of the negative press that it has today. Feeders are seen as physical abusers and feedees, there must be some psycological problem with them (why would anyone want to abuse themselfs like that).

Kid A hit on a really important point about sexuality as in general most of society are inhibited about it. Try talking about sexual fantasies in general conversation, nearly everyone would get very guarded about it. If anyone openly announced that feederism was their desire in a group where there were no feeders or feedees, the individual would be considered so weird that they would be shunned by just about everyone else in that group. Indeed most fantasies get laughed at, but feederism is considered just about the worst legal fantasy.

That we all live in a capitalist society, much of "protestant ethic" values apply. In the case of feederism it goes compleatly against the grain of the values of denial being good for the soul (the reason why slim has become considered the norm over several years), which gradually led to body fascism. With the person who allows their emotions and desires to let loose as someone out of control. There have been so many medical studies that show being fat is nowhere near as unhealthy as it is portrayed, it seems feederism and weight gain should be celebrated not frowned upon.

As always the future is with the younger generations and that a greater number of youngsters these days seem to celebrate their desires more, I can definitely see feederism growing and in private enjoyed with less anxiety. However, it may take centuries, certainly decades for it to be accepted as something normal.

Sites like this help immeasurably as I know what it was like for years feeling unable to talk to anyone about it other than my wife (who even now doesn't truly understand why I find fat so sexy).
13 years

Prefered weight

sxc_estee wrote:
i'm currently balancing on the fence around 290-300 with my weight at the moment but i wouldn't mind gaining more
I love your gain, that you went from skinny to where you are now is incredible as it didn't take long. You look amazing at the moment can't say whether you would even look better with more weight or not until you get there.
13 years

Lonely gainers

I think loneliness is something we all suffer from now and then. With a fetish/lifestyle like this though, it does seem that no one outside of this community could possibly understand how it feels.
Within these walls we feel safe as we can share our fantasies or experiences, but to the outside world it's something that has had nothing but really bad press and we must appear to most like some kind of monsters that should be locked away.
This site has to exist so that we can all carry on like normal as if there is nothing out of the ordinary happening.
13 years

When friends and family notice your weight gain.

almost_chubby wrote:
I had breakfast with some out of town family members today. I don't remember what I weighed the last time I saw them, but I was pretty skinny. I wanted to try to hide as much as possible, because I've always been self-conscious about gaining any weight or I guess really afraid I would gain and someone might say so.

But my loose clothes made me look HUGE and my tight clothes looked like... TIGHT. Like I outgrew them. LOL. So I settled on some relaxed fit jeans and a sweater. And boy did they notice. They all had this look of surprise when I greeted them and I could feel eyes on me when I got up to use the restroom. When I got back, I felt like they had discussed whether or not to say anything because my cousin immediately said, "Do you still belong to that gym you like? I've gotten a little lazy." And my sister piped in and said, "We've all put on a few pounds looks like." But they hadn't!! They were exactly the same! At least, they appeared to be.

So I said, "I know I'm fat. I know that's what you're thinking." And then they got all concerned and asked me what happened, if I've been depressed, if I've seen a doctor. I hated it. But part of me did find it exciting.
You are probably finding it exciting because of the rebelliousness of it all. I've seen your pics so know what you look like and don't think they should be so concerned. It's not a huge amount and as you get older it's natural to put on some extra weight. I think it's more the shock value that you used to be so skinny for just about all your adult life until now. You could explain that you actually kind of like the extra weight as it makes you feel sexier and more womanly. They may not believe you, but they may well come to accept that this is the new you.
I know at times you have mixed feelings about this weight gain of yours, but I also think that you like it and find it sexy too, like the rest of us do.
13 years

Where do you work at?

DebzieUK wrote:
I just got a new job which I start on Tuesday as a marketing assistant for an online casino company!
Thats very interesting I play a lot of on-line poker with Pokerstars, between work as a night time taxi driver. Is the company also an on-line poker site?
13 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

PlumpGirl91 wrote:
Just weighed myself, I've gone up from 141Lbs to 145.6Lbs over the past 3 weeks. I'm really quite proud of myself, because it seemed like my gaining had slowed and I was worried my body wouldn't be able to get bigger. Now aiming for 151Lbs by the end of April.
Size 16 here I come! smiley
Well done look forward to your weight going up and up. Body weight is a funny thing, you can gain quickly for a month or two, then level off. Then later it starts up all over again. So don't get dispondent if you do slow down, although my own experience with weight gain was unintentional and happened over many years, so those actually gaining would give better advice.
13 years