
As you should follow me @CrazyFnBill
12 years

Quotes you like

One of my favorite quotes is brought to you from 'The Dark Knight'

"Madness is a lot like gravity. All it needs is a little push"-Joker/Heath Ledger

And that brought me to my own quote:

"What's the point of Life if you can't Push The Madness?"

And pretty much EVERY Ed Norton line from American History X and most from Fight Club.
12 years

Has anyone heard this?....

So, I was in the office at work this morning before the shift ended....

The maint guy had his radio on some christian R&B station when all of a sudden, Rev. Al Sharpton started talking...

30 Seconds later, I heard it was for 'Ageless Male'....Testosterone enhancement... But, he definitely was talking about it helping sexually...

Just found it humorous, that's all
12 years

Difficult to talk to

Eh, I learned if you don't post in the forums, no one will listen to you! ha!

And, there's a chance that even if you do post in here all the time and you are active, people still dont' reply because they get busy. It's real life broski....

I've had a msg in my box for almost two weeks. I feel horrible to have not replied but, if I do have the time to jump on, I check out my peeps on the forums, then get busy with other things..

Hmm, I am now stopping my involvment right now and replying to that msg...

12 years

Who do you want to meet.......

After a few months of hanging around in the forums here....I can't pick just a handful of people to meet.

Much like GOOD, I'd have a long list of men and women.....

There are a some I'd wanna meet cause they are Awesome Sauce! And a some just cause they look amazing! lol
12 years


Let's face it, they did horrible building him up. They did like two videos of him being a monster and Johnny Ace said once: "I'd hate to be Brodus' first opponent"

And he always tweeted "Brodus didn't debut, next week!"

Some say it was delayed while they tried to talk Brodus into the gimmick... I say it took so long for Brodus to talk Vince into going for it!
12 years

Anyone else feel like...

And this is why I only talk to Awesome people! haha

Sorry things went the way they did. He is obviously a total Tool Bag that shouldn't be talking to anyone, anywhere....

Heh, forget him!
12 years


I shaved one day and the guy at the liquor store asked for my ID....I haven't been clean shaven since... Right now I am doing the Brodus Clay and haven't shaved in two weeks....
12 years

Favorite apps for your phone?

I use Pandora daily...ney, hourly!

I also love my pageonce app for all my banking.

And of course, you can't be a fatty without the Krispy Kreme Hot Light app to tell me whenever that hot light is on for hot glazed doughnuts!! YEA YEA YEEAAA!
12 years

Ok how many people do this???

cutenchubby wrote:
i am one of those aussies that have never tried chilli but ive made some wierd sandwich combos. avocado and vegemite is great - it looks like green poo on bread but tastes delicious. also adding banana to a peanutbutter saandwich is awesome.

Banana, Peanut butter and Marshmellow Fluff! YEA YEA YEEAAA!
12 years