What ideas turn you on?

Of course all the while the recipient is compliant and will be undressed so to have all fat areas exposed and ready to be massaged, all while gorging on snacks.[/quote]

Having all fat areas exposed and massaged would add a wonderful dimension to the feeding and fattening experience.
8 years

Who are the doms and who are the subs?

Definitely a sub.
Particularly when it comes to feeding... Or even encouraging. I like being given orders. Especially if it involves eating!

I would love to take this sub role in a feeding relationship with an FFA who wants to fatten me up and make me her personal piggy.
8 years

What ideas turn you on?

Making my feede as massive and comfortable as possible. I would massage his bulging stomach and feed him all the best food. I would feed him 4 dozen of my peanut butter banana cupcakes a day slathered in peanut butter cream cheese frosting (hand made of course) we would cuddle and watch movies together as I feed him and pamper him. Eventually his body would swell to massive dimensions and his weight would be a fabulous four digit amount. (If no rules or real life boundaries) the idea of my own 2 ton+ feede excites me.

Oh God this would turn me on so much. This scenario and the one I posted on the other board in response to your query would be my ultimate relationship experience.
8 years

This one's for my male feedes out there.

Just the thought turns me on.
8 years

This one's for my male feedes out there.

I would love to have you feed me and gain another 100 lbs. That would put me at 400 lbs. The thought of coming home from work, you having prepared yet another sumptuous meal for me to devour would be the ultimate. As I eat and my belly expands, you unbuckle my pants and lift my shirt and gently massage my huge belly, encouraging me to eat more. Later that night you feed me cheesecake in bed while kissing and caressing my fat all over, cooing about how fat you want to make me and complimenting me for being your personal piggy and how much my size turns you on. Ok, I have to take a cold shower now.
8 years

If you had a wish - survey

Current weight this morning is 278 lbs.

My normal weight for a long time has been 300 to 305 lbs.

I would love to experience what it would be like to be 400 lbs. and how I would look if I were that fat. Just the thought turns me on like crazy.

Unfortunately, due to mobility issues (legs and knees) I would need to stay at 300 lbs. or so if it would not automatically revert back to my current weight. Although if I did not have these issues, I would love to be much heavier.
8 years

Self moob play?

Its funny, I always hated my moobs when I was in grammer school and high school and was teased a lot by other guys for having big tits. But as an adult who has grown significantly fatter as I have aged, I now embrace them as evidence of my continued gaining and found I enjoy fondling them from time-to-time. That and jiggling the soft fat on the bottom of my huge, hanging belly really turns me on. Unfortunately, I have not had the pleasure of cumming yet from playing with my own fat although I would love that experience.
8 years


Always. Fat women I know, fat relatives, fat women I happened to see that day, weight gain and feeding fantasies are always the focal point whenever I masturbate. And it has been this way since I was 12 years old.
8 years

Cow fantasies?

Hadn't given this one much thought before... I've always been more of a pig-fantasy person, being called a piggy or a oinker, but in the last couple of months it's taken on more of a bovine twist...

My feeder has been remarking that my moobs have gotten so large with my recent gain that I no longer look like a big, fat pig, but more like a cow with two huge udders. She commands me to moo while she sucks on my nipples.

We do this kind of teasing all the time, so again I didn't think much of it... until recently I saw her searching for cow-print clothing on Amazon!


Jay, your description of your feeder sucking on your huge moobs and commanding you to Moo sounds so hot! I would love to experience that as well. Reading your description just really turned me on.
8 years

What ideas turn you on?

Just seeing a really fat woman, being lazy and idle and slothful, and just eating everything and anything in sight all day and all night, until she can't move, and is about to burst.

Seeing a very fat woman squeezing into a very tight corset, and then stuffing herself crazy , until the corset tears apart.

Seeing a very fat woman in a bath, stuffing herself crazy, until she can't get out of the bath.

Really fat women stuffing themselves so much that they become breathless, and start panting, and sweating profusely.

All of the above turn me on like crazy. And the second list that you posted is a huge turn on as well.
8 years