
this is interesting smiley but i have no real life experience in that only fantasies ;-)
9 years

Wg experiment 10kg in 5days

sure that owuld be interesting to eperience but as rubens said ......

it really hard after a stuffing day to go on cause your belly just feel not good and somehow rumbling the whole time

if a girl ever would tempt me to go for such a bet with say two weeks 7kg i would love to apply :-) of course she would have to chat with me and encourage me to see the pic in the end .....:-)
9 years

Does stuffing arouse you?

oh my i just got in such a feeding frenzy when eating pudding that my elly des hrt now very badly .... so in exchange for some belly rub i would do the same to you smiley

i just ate faster and faster at some point ??? ;-)
9 years

Eating while having sex?

oh yes sure i always wonder how it would be and how more arousing it can be to combine sex with food ......

i would love for a girl to tease me deny me to cum until i ate something then she is nicely again if i ate enough again and so on until i can´t move or breath esily ......

i would love for the girl to exploit my weakness for sex and a full belly to her absolute liking if that would be in bed with food mhmm...i would like to experience this .....but never did really despite some cream and strawberries ;-)
9 years

Fetishes related to stuffing

ah for my it´s related to beeing kind of helpless or maybe even become stuck somewhere you fit easily through before .....and of course tight clothes yeah and i realized i would love a little tickling and struggle with a girl who is fitter or ebcomes ralatively to me with me softer belly over the time ;_)
9 years

Fetishes related to stuffing

hehe i never did this mentos thing :-) but today i might :-)

my most extreme stuffing as to eat a whole tiramisu consuming about 2 liter of very creamy heavy weight gain shake + some food over the day some burger and at least i was stuffing pudding into my tummy until it was to painful and i really couldn´t mover very easily anymore that was hot when your feel your tummy do something of it´s own ....
9 years

Stuck/ stuckage fans?

oh i so would like to be fattened up to a point where my belly touches things lol or it would be nice for a naughty girlfirend to arrange things in our home so that she fits through and i just barely as long as i don´t gain to much weight that is that would be so hot when she tickles me runs away and i try to catch her but can´t fit between the fridge and the countertop cause my tummy bunches up and prevents me to ...::-)

oh and i would love to see that , too on a girl thehe
9 years


MaddMiss wrote:
Oh, I have a few in no particular order...

1) Confidence
There are few things better than a man who is confident, knows what he wants, and isn't afraid to go against the grain.

2) Nerdiness
So we'll have some personality traits in common. Yes, I am the type who will debate about powerlevels in DBZ and analyze every character in Watchmen.

3) Some pudginess around the middle
It doesn't matter if it's a little or a lot. I like food and I don't exercise often. It's a good indicator that he is like me. Besides, it's pretty cute and fun to grab.

4) Nice smile
Self explanatory. smiley

Haha first a merry christmas and second :

You sound perfect to me lol a girl with whom i can discuss dbz powerlevels how cool is that ;-) =

hav ea ncie chirstmas time Dear ;-)
9 years

Role play secretely fattening

yea if you know the other one likes gaining secretly but just likes this kind of setup some secret feeding or encouraging is a really nice thing i would love in a relationship and some nice lovely teasing would be nice , too ;-)
9 years