Ya, it people being fat might be better in the future, but...
1. I want it now
2. It could also be the case that people keep thinking that fat shaming is good, and so while being obese is normal, it could still be shameful.
1. We have it now but it will get fatter.
2. There is a battle between fat shaming and fat acceptance in society.
The fat shamers have a point but there are two arguments against them. One, many fat people are already ashamed and shame may even be one of the causes of their obesity. Two, Fat Shaming may be more about the enjoyment of being a bully in the belief that it's OK to fat shame than it is about helping someone.
At some point the medical establishment will say something along the lines that it's the causes of obesity that are unhealthy rather than the obesity itself.
Fat people will then claim that they eat healthy so are healthy.
The lifestyle people will then declare that different lifestyles have different health and life expectancy outcomes but the important thing is for each individual to live their own life for what makes it worthwhile to them. Each to their own.
This will then allow fatties to have their own culture involving food and enjoyment of life without shame.
At this stage I think there will be less of an obesity 'problem' as people are able to make choices without fear or shame driving them to behave in destructive ways. People won't have the thought "call me fat, I'll show you what fat really is and then you will be sorry" or any other destructive emotion filled behavures.