Can you feel yourself gaining weight?

I've felt a slight itching and burning before new stretch marks show up.
3 years

Growing man tits

I want mine to grow outwards
3 years

Growing man tits

Moobs are amazing.
Try BC pills. The hormones can help you gain some size there and all over

What are BC pills?
3 years

Smoking and extreme obesity

Climate change is here now, will be in the future AND WAS IN THE PAST BEFIRE HUMANS. I live in Florida and you can find shark teeth 60 miles inland. That means Florida was underwater. Maybe that was normal. What explains extinction before humans? Btw. I have planted hundreds of trees because I am nature lover... and I harvest trees too.... let’s keep an open mind on climate cycles but at the same time work to make the environment better....

In southern California, you can find shark teeth on top of mountains... So?
4 years

New fat experiences/ realizations?

I've noticed as my belly hangs more, it feels like a big breast.
4 years

Under weight to morbidly obese

I was very skinny as a kid... always the lightest weight class when wrestling. I was around 130 or so when I graduated HS. I'm 325-ish now.
4 years

Dangerous rate of gain

You will have times when you gain steadily and then times you don't gain much at all.
Sometimes I would gain like crazy only to lose 1/2 of what I gained.
Maybe that is just me and how my body reacted.
I quit actively gaining several years ago but since the covid quarantine I have gained 20 lbs because I compulsively snack a lot.

Yeah I look forward to it ! The new antidepressant I’m on seems to have allowed me to gain weight because I’m doing exactly what I did last time. My doctor says it can potentially stimulate appetite, and you never get full feeling. It just seems like it slowed my metabolism. So I hope the boosts aid in my ballooning transformation

What's the med?
4 years

What is this feeling?

What is this feeling? It's like being horny, but instead of wanting sex, I want to gorge until I burst my clothes -- I long for an enormous belly that goes past my knees, breasts the size of my head, and an inflated butt. Then sometime later, I don't have this feeling.
4 years

Grub crawl

I've done this maybe twice and at places well out of site from the others so nobody would see what I was up to.
4 years