How much have you gained in quarantine?

i need to get a scale, i think i am probably up about 30 lbs since march... yikes! without even trying. this is mostly boredom eating.
3 years

Tricked into becoming a fat pig

Are you still putting on weight?

yes, i have gained some more.

stuff has changed over the last few months... i have had to change cities for work, and my girlfriend was not able to move with me due to her work. we have tried to keep things going long-distance but it is tough. i don't think either of us are really happy with the situation.

work and moving (and basically ... life! lol) has kept me really busy. i remain sedentary, i am eating and drinking too much, and yeah, my clothes continue to shrink on me somehow. smiley

i have reconnected with some old friends, fit ones from my previous life as a gym nut. they have been trying to encourage me to return to the gym now that it is open again, but to be honest, i don't want to. not only an i not interested because of the pandemic, but i just can't see myself there as a fat guy.

the thought of being there with a fit, strong guy (who i used to have the same physique as) to compare myself to, now that i am totally out of shape, is kind of arousing... the embarrassment and humiliation appeals as a fantasy, but i don't think i could bring myself to really do it...
3 years

Tricked into becoming a fat pig

my girlfriend is officially smaller than she was when we met about 2 years ago. she's still a good deal bigger than i am, and still a ssbbw, but i am proud of how she has been managing her diet and fitness.

by comparison, i am at my fattest and heaviest - ever!

she is back to swimming now that pools have opened up, which is good for her joints & mobility. i have not joined her yet at the pool yet, but i intend to.

a few weeks ago she started to work out with weights, nothing serious but she wants to protect her joints and mobility since she has a fairly physical job.

she asked if i wanted to join her, but to be honest, i just can't face it. i used to be such a gym rat, i was there 3-4 times a week. when i first started to gain weight, i panicked and tried to go back to the gym to lose it, and get back in shape... i just couldn't do it. i was winded so easily, and the amount i could lift had diminished so much - i know it was pride, or ego, but i just felt like such a weakling. i couldn't be there. it felt so embarrassing.

i am only fatter now (probably 50 lbs+) and more out of shape now... and while the idea of how humiliating it would be is kind of a turn on, i just don't think i could go thru with it.
3 years

Do you find the physical limitations of weight gain a turn on or a turn off?

when i started to gain, going from around 150 to maybe 200 lbs, the difficulties i started to face initially scared me a little. getting winded more easily, difficulty sitting up in bed, etc.

so about a year ago i went back to the gym to try to get more fit again... oh man, it was so hard! and my pride took a big hit, too. it was embarrassing being there, so out of shape, as a fatty - and so much weaker. after years of being really fit, doing beginner stuff really hit my ego! so i didn't keep it up. i tried a few times, but eventually gave up.

since then i have put on maybe another 70 lbs or so, have hardly been active at all, and the limitations have steadily become more pervasive. i am more accepting of them now, though, and spend more energy thinking of coping strategies to deal with them (like: how can i avoid the need to go back upstairs for the rest of the day? lol!)
3 years

Male fupa

Does anyone else get excited when fat starts forming above the pubic area? It is such a real sign that I am not just chunky but becoming obese! It makes me want to grow fatter and fatter, especially when touching that super soft fat that forms there.

Yes, I love the super soft fat, and its effects "down below".
My pubic area has gotten puffy and has started to consume my soon-to-be, even shorter memeber. Will it still function???

i was a little alarmed when it first started to plump up, it was one of those things that signaled to me that i wasn't chubby anymore, i was getting fat.

my member is average sized, and while hard i would say the fupa covers maybe a third. maybe 3/4 when soft? but the fupa flesh is so soft, when your are having sex it compresses easily. i think even if it were covered completely you could still press the flesh back enough to make good use of it. smiley

would love to know if anyone else has had experience at very large sizes?
3 years

Tricked into becoming a fat pig

Such a good little feedee. Good job.

yes ma'am. thank you ma'am. smiley
3 years

Toronto meet-up post covid19?

i hope to be back in toronto by august/september time and would love to participate if someone is organizing something. hopefully the pandemic conditions will be lifted by then???
4 years

Overweight nurse?

Hey! I'm a feede who wants to become so fat but I'm studying nursing and I'm afraid that I will become that fat that it's uncomfortable for working as a nurse (I'm still at college)

my gf is a nurse with over 20 years on the job. she is over 400 lbs, and she agrees with others on this thread that there seems to be a higher average of obesity in that profession.
4 years

Tricked into becoming a fat pig

“Slowing down” is very difficult without lifestyle change because your growing belly has increased your appetite and daily calorie consumption while also slowing your calorie burning. Your fat cells have doubled and doubled again, and insulin resistance causes the "gain train" to gather speed, potentially fattening you up to weights that once seemed impossible.

so it is like a snowball rolling down hill, reinforcing itself and gaining (no pun intended) momentum. i can totally feel this now.

the other thing is that, because not exercising takes no effort (by definition!), and it is so easy to derive pleasure from eating and drinking, it becomes habit-forming. now my routine of snacking, eating and drinking beer after i am done working is a delightful, joyful habit. i don't want to break it, i enjoy it... i just keep hoping my weight will plateau! lol
4 years

Admirer to gainer?

Ever since I can remember I’ve always found larger women attractive (chubby teachers etc) which in turn led me into the world of gaining/feeding... which is now a huge turn on for me (I’m in the right place!)

However, recently the curiosity has got the better of me and I wondered if I’d have the same desires if it was me that was gaining the weight...

Has anyone else had these thoughts?

this is basically my situation. my partner is a ssbbw and i was fit when we met. with her encouragement, i thought i would let loose a little bit, maybe add 20 or 25 lbs... then it was, well, let's see what 200 feels like...

then it became a slippery slope! lol! after a few halfhearted attempts to turn things around and get back into shape, i kind of just gave up and embraced this lazy lifestyle of self-gratification.

so i guess my warning would be: careful, it is addictive! smiley
4 years