Eating whole walmart cheese cake

I've been wanting to eat a whole cheese cake lately and I found a New York style cheese cake at walmart that is a whopping 4680 calories, lol.

Has anyone eaten a whole one in one sitting and would like to talk about it?

While it wasn't me but my fiance who ate the whole thing, he did say he found a need to mix it with some kind of shortbread or something, because it's an awful lot of dairy goodness. So that might be something to consider.
6 years

Cheesecake friday

So the little butterball usually makes a dessert for our guests for Friday Dinner. This week he made a simple and delicious Princess Cake. After everyone went home I asked him what happened to the cheesecake plan - Not that I dislike the Princess Cake. He blushed and it took me forever to get it out of him.

It turns out he had indeed made a cheesecake, but had finished it in the morning, sooner than expected. And, well, it just - it looks so delicious, and so inviting, and it had been such a difficult week and all....
He had eaten the entire cake.
First I was impressed and proud he could make both a cheesecake and Princess Cake in a single day, and also so glad he clearly won't take long to make his extra 10 lb goal.
6 years

Scared of actually getting fat.

You have to do what's best for you. My mother-in-law to be has always been harsh with my fiance about his weight. When he got fat she was merciless. We finally set the record straight. She'll never approve, but one can't live ones life based on others' approval all the time.
6 years

Fat boy humiliation


I like to remind him when he's too fat to do something.

What are the things that he's to fat to do? I love it, when my wife/Mistress makes a comment like that. Reminding me of it, and how far (much) I have gained.

Not so much not allowing as pointing out that he's too fat for some things to be enjoyable. A few weeks ago the family wanted to go on a short walk. I knew he wouldn't be able to walk that long without getting tired and hungry, so I put my hands on his sides and belly and pointed out that he was too fat for such a long walk, that he would get tired, hungry, and generally unhappy. He had much better stay home and wait for us - cook us something.
Things like that - pinching a little of his fat and telling him it will be too hard for him - delight me.
6 years

Fat boy humiliation

When I first told the fiance he was growing into a little Butterball he wasn't sure how to take it. I pinched him and told him I liked it. He's used to being called a little Butterball now - I've even called him that in public.
Over the holidays I fattened him up a little more, as We're getting married in summer and I'd like ten more pounds on him. I pinched him and little and told him, "someone's getting a little fatter."
I like to remind him when he's too fat to do something.
6 years

What was the moment that made you think, "damn, i'm fat?"

The morning after a particularly large dinner - he did excellent, ate everything in sight - my little Butterball stood in front of a mirror in his pyjamas. His soft, round little belly poked out from the shirt, and he couldn't stretch it any further. The pants were stretched as far as they could go, and I could see the realization in his face.
6 years


Telecommuting. When the fiance started modifying his schedule to be at home more, he started telecommuting for his four day work week, and it really helped him gain weight.
6 years

Does your gainer eat separately from the family?

My fiance does the cooking, but it's more about the portion control. For example, I eat about 1/3 of what he eats. In a sense he does eat separately, as he will often have a "snack" about the size of an additional meal, in addition to all the sweets, after the meal is formally over. He cooks relatively healthy meals but consumes way more and cooks *a lot* of food. Especially on holidays.
I expect that once we have children we'll be in sync as a family. It's important to both of us that we have meals together. So he will probably eat more away from the table.
6 years

Increasing her appetite.

My wife also enjoys food a lot and has the biggest sweet tooth. In fact she sometimes sacrifces eating all her meal just so she has room for desert.

She tends to feel sick if she over eats or eats to much. But what I have found out is that she needs to slowly increase her food intake and amount she eats over a lengthy period of time and then after a long while she is not only eating double the amount at meals but still having room for deserts and most of the time multiple deserts. It's all about stretching out the stomach to not have that discomfort or full feeling. Once her stomach is stretched out is when she really starts to put on weight.....and at this stage it is hard to eat to much less than what the stomach wants and is used to. It's the same as when the stomach is not stretched it is hard to increase how much you eat and it is easy to keep the weight off or from piling on. My wife doesn't want or try to put on weight....her appetite just increases over various times of the year and she can't hold back piling on some weight.

From my experience though the best way to make someone or yourself a bottomless pit if they are willing. Stuff yourself with food you like and fattening stuff always allowing maximum carbs and sugar.....then what I found was the real secret....once you feel so stuffed from eating in the day......drink several milkshakes or you may even want to start with just several big glasses of milk. For me it is easy to get down even after I feel I couldn't eat another bite.....inn fact it actually settles my stomach a bit and you will have the biggest bloated belly you could imagine. It's definitely something you have to be determined to do......and after 2 weeks I guarantee your appetite will increase at least double if not triple. After the next couple weeks you are not even thinking about trying to eat more will actually just NEED to eat more because your stretched stomach will require it....and you will get hunger pangs if you don't eat as much or more than what your stomach is used to now. I got to a stage after this stuffing all the time....that even though I had been eating all day huge amounts I would come home for diner and my wife would make an amazing home made Lasagna and have the hugest plate laid in front of me for dinner.....I wasn't even hungry in the slightest but the minute I started eating I just kept bringing fork full after fork full to my mouth and before I knew it I had three huge helpings. This is at the point where one can really get Fat.

Recap: I would say in the first few weeks after one is completely full from eating at the end of the day to consume dairy liquids...this will help stretch the stomach and if always done continue to stretch. If one can't consume dairy lot's of water at the end of the day of stuffing will help stretch stomach but just won't add the extra calories at the same time.

True. Dairy, meat, and carbs are always your friends. Also, I agree that you should always set something extra for yourself. When you got out to eat, order an extra meal or side or something that can be available. It's hard to avoid eating when you're sitting there in the restaurant and food is right in front of you.
As my fiance gets fatter, he will eat a whole bunch of food and still say he's hungry if I haven't given him enough.
Also, skipping a meal or delaying food can make them eat more later.
6 years

Gaining challenges

Try never leaving the house - preferably not even leaving the bed. When I was fattening up my fiance early on, I took us to a hotel where I ordered him room service while I was out hiking. I discouraged him from getting out of bed, just ordering him food. By the end of the week-end I don't think he had been out of bed more than once or twice.

How did you discourage him from leaving the bed, and how do you know that he ate everything, if you were out hiking? Interesting that you used "early on" makes me think that this was only the start, and that now he can not leave even if he wanted to.

He complained about having eaten it all, and it was a quick getaway to relax. So, it wasn't difficult to discourage him.

"Early on" merely indicates the start of the gaining.
6 years