Becoming immobile

It's not something I'd ever want, or most would want for that matter. Actually, I wouldn't want to be at a size where independent living is no longer possible, even assuming access to modern conveniences. But that's neither here or there.

Although, I had one person describe it as essentially getting to be royalty, since suddenly it means others have to help you with even basic tasks. Perhaps some folks really like the idea of that.

Of course, reality does differ from fantasy. It's possible some of them haven't really thought it through, and won't really like that when reality sets in. But then again, some really are serious about it, as you know.
2 years

Bug: sorting profiles by "last online" doesn't work

I'm not sure I've ever seen it work in all the years on the site in case that's relevant for looking for regressions. Sometimes you'll get some amount of sorting (might only be on the first page?), but it quickly falls apart. I have people on the second page that were online a few days ago, but people on the first page that were last online a year ago. Would be nice to have this fixed so that we know who's relevant when trying to meet more people from our area.

It does seem to work, though perhaps not quite in the way desired.

Imagine on the map, a radius (as the crow flies) from your location. The smallest concentric circle, a small area (say, 1 mile), will sort by last online in that small area. When the number of members in this small area is exhausted, then it'll start listing users within 2 miles, but not within 1 mile, then listing those users by activity order. Then repeat with those 3 miles away, but not within 2 miles away, and so on.

So perhaps weirdly, someone who's 1.25 miles away but online yesterday, will show up after someone only 0.9 miles away but hasn't been online in months.

Note that I don't really know what the distance/concentric circle cut-off is, and I don't think it's really 1 mile increments, but this is the behavior I've observed.

If you specify no distance requirement, then it's just last online regardless. But of course, that's of limited usefulness if you're curious about users who are only up to so far away.

I do feel like this is something to possibly change, however.
2 years

High calorie, low filling.

Building upon the nuts suggestion, the various different nut butters are calorie dense.

Also a lot of fluffy pastries and baked goods aren't super filling but can be loaded with calories. Why it's often easy to eat dessert after dinner, which hopefully you are doing more often than not.
2 years

Starting out trying to get into bbw dating world

The important thing is to remember there's no particular magic formula and they are just like everyone else.

The only main, significant differences I can think of, is to avoid activities that involve major, highly rigorous physical activity that most of them would not be keen on, or any place or area that may seem exceptionally, or specifically hostile to those who are larger.

The last part, I'm referring to something that's much less common than before. But if there's for example, some kind of nightclub where you know the other patrons are for the most part, hostile to those who are larger, you'd want to give that a pass. If you feel like there might be any potential doubt, because it's a place you've never been to before, maybe give it a pass anyway.

Another type of place to avoid, unless you know for a fact it's different, are restaurants with booth seating but very limited table seating, and you know it will be packed. Or any place where you think you might have to stand for hours and hours, though this too is unlikely.

Other things to remember and consider too, to avoid getting or being weird:

- The average BBW is probably, and most likely NOT into feederism.

- It's even possible she hates the way she looks and wants to lose weight, but has found it difficult to do so. It might be possible to help her overcome this, but sometimes this may just not be possible, as she may not be open to it. Imagine if someone wanted you to grow a beard, or if you have a beard, to shave it off and never have one again? Same kind of thing.

- You can offer or suggest getting more food, or a snack or whatever. But if she declines, don't push it.

- Many women, regardless of size, are reluctant or scared to eat more than her date, even if she remains hungry. Unfortunately, there's not much you can do about this, unless you are also fat and a big eater, in which case she'd be far less self-conscious. I would not recommend saying things like "It's okay if you have some more."

- In my area anyway (not applicable to all areas), nearly all BBW in relationships, I've noticed the man tends to be quite big himself. And if there's a contrast in size, it's nearly always a big man and thinner woman. I'd guess it might be because he makes similar accommodations in his personal life.

- What you'd be much more likely to find, is someone who doesn't mind her size and doesn't care if some don't like how she may have a larger appetite.
2 years

Feedee looking to be fed!

You double posted, likely accidentally so I deleted the other thread. Just letting you know about that.
2 years

Deleted messages / banned users should not count as a message view???

I think they need to make it limited so they can have a subscription service to pay for the site hosting

Yeah, that's pretty much why. The web site hosting, income for the owner (I believe this may be his chief source of income), and other business overhead, since the amount of time to work on this is not insignificant. As someone who has an online service of his own, I have an idea of what it's like.

The thought of running ads in the past has been explored, except that most advertisers are unwilling to advertise on web site that contain adult-oriented subject matter.

But one thing I've wondered about sometimes, is if the restriction could somehow be changed from 5 message thread views a day, to 5 message thread replies a day. This would make it a lot easier to get around the problem of very low effort messages like "Hi" or "You're hot."

It's unclear what impact this may have on subscription rates. On one hand, it may reduce subscriptions if you can view however many you get. On the other hand, it could then increase subscriptions if you aren't able to write enough replies. I've also been under the impression that viewing videos and pictures is what primarily drives subscriptions but I can't be certain. That's not information I'm privy to. But I can't help but wonder if some kind of change could be made that'd be both popular and have little impact on this.
2 years

Anyone else start off really small?

Back when I finally got the courage to do something about it, I was only around 125 lbs and that was several years ago. Yes, I know that's horribly small. Long story how that happened. Up to about 172 now as of this writing, so that's 47 more. It's certainly been easier said than done.

I definitely like the extra mass and I feel better, but I still need more. I'd really like to get up to over 202 though I don't think I wish to stop there. It sounds arbitrary but that's the point where I'd be heavier than the average American man aged 20-59, so that'd be a certain psychological satisfaction.

As of this writing, my longer term goal is either 250, or a higher weight than my future wife, or a higher BMI than my future wife, whichever is heaviest.
2 years

Wish i know what others were thinking

You don't really actually want to know what others are thinking. This very topic/trope has been explored in all sorts of science fiction stuff. Folks often think about things they have no intention of ever actually doing, and then folks often do things without really thinking much. The average person probably has a LOT of weird, strange, or even highly disturbing off-the-wall thoughts in any given day. So, just saying.

That said, I do know what you mean. I've at times wondered about this too.

There have been some rare occasions where I witness something and I just can't help but think some sort of feederism things are going on. Even if the folks involved don't know the terms for it, or that there's entire online communities about it.

But no, typically the closest thing I've noticed is someone who is obese and either doesn't mind, just likes to eat, or has accepted and resigned to being big forever.
2 years