Lactation kink play?

It's not easy. He would have to take certain hormones, then stop them abruptly. Google it. It would give him breasts, and will affect her performance.
5 years

Anyone in illinois or missouri?

To answer your question: Yes. There are 12,734,617 people in Illinois, and 10,020,043 in Michigan.
5 years

Social isolation caused by weight

Every fat man is not alone in this world, so there are obviously some people who like them. Take the time to find them.
5 years

New to weight gain -- guy wants dirty talk?

Going to your profile, and seeing all of your posts, it seems like you only want to do what your boyfriend wants you to do. Do what YOU want to do. If he dumps you, would you be happy with the extra weight you've gained?
5 years

Almost embarrassing moment...

One reason the stalls are smaller, is because they have to have a large handicap stall, but are not making rest rooms any bigger. (And if they retrofit an existing bathroom, they have to take space from the other stalls for the large handicap one.)
5 years

How do i deal with a food baby when people are around?

People should not be assuming anyone is pregnant, or bring it up first. So, just act pregnant. Hold your belly like a pregnant woman. Then there should be no explaining to do. If someone mentions your "pregnancy," then tell them that you are fat. maybe they will learn not to bring up pregnancy then.
5 years

Premium women

I ignore the profiles of people obviously looking for money. Now, I am getting messages on Feabie asking for money. I guess there are not enough people willing to pay money for all the people who want to collect money.
5 years

Premium women

Some of the best are women who are underweight and say they need money for food to gain. They've been here for a year, and have not gained a pound. And there are rumors of men pretending to be women looking for money, hitting up men. It would be great if there was a separate section or even a separate website for women who enjoy gaining for the sake of gaining.
5 years

Need some advice here

With her yoyoing, she'll probably be pretty big one day. But then the problem is that you would be with someone who doesn't like her size.
5 years