Dressing for fatness

wretty222 wrote:

last week when i went on my fast food binge, right before i'd go through the drive-thru i would pull my skirt waistband down to below my belly, so my gut was visible in a tight tank-top, sitting on my lap. it was... exciting.. smiley

So hot! Watching a fatty get comfy behind the wheel especially in a small car. The best is when the belly rubs the steering wheel!
11 years

Little changes, big gains!

wretty222 wrote:

my little secret donut habit smiley of course - which is fun, because i can eat as much as i like at home but the person at the shop of course has no idea that i've already had breakfast.. i think i might try getting 3 doughnuts soon!

This is so naughty and hot!!! You need a good "punishment" feeding!!
11 years

Right back at em

Right on ladies. Fight fire with fire. Standing up to rude, ignorant losers is a great way to gain respect and boost self-esteem. I personally find confidence and assertiveness very sexy, and I think most guys would agree.
12 years

10lb. challenge!

rock9632 wrote:
For most people who reach a plateau the best way to gain more weight is to first go on a diet and lose 10 or 15 pounds. With most people once they lose 10 or 15 pounds they will gain back 20 or 30.

Classic "yo-yo" dieting. Everyone I know who tried to lose weight this way ultimately gained it all back and then some.
12 years

What i love about bbw faces.

1Dan001 wrote:
I agree with all this sentiment. Chubby faces are warmer, they feel caring and nurturing. I think that is why I like them, if I kiss a bbw face, it feels soft and caring, like there is so much more love on offer!

I agree completely and can speak from experience. Sometimes you should judge a book by its cover...
12 years

Cultures and larger bodies...

My wife's family is Portuguese, and they have a positive view of larger women. Tasty, home-cooked food is always abundant at family functions. Food and alcohol consumption is encouraged, and it is an insult not to eat. Fat acceptance seems to be understood however it is never discussed.
12 years

So i have a friend...

Victim of the recession.smiley Back in the 90s you could BS your way in, work your ass off, and never go without a paycheck.smiley
12 years

Secret fa's

I would rather be dead than live a lie.
12 years