Anonymous crush venting

Oh yes i know that feeling very well it happened to me quite a few times that i come to like someone very much to the extent i can´t get her out of my head for some time or even years .....but she wasn´t into me or the other way around ......

that´s really depressing over time must be something wrong with my radar :-)

and just a few days ago i met a really lovely girl with amazing ees but she is only 24 but very smart and nice but I am 40 now .....

so no real chance for that ever to happen .......

ah so i feel with you all but nevertheless have a nice christmas ;-) smiley
9 years

An odd question...

ehm...yes....when i eat to a certain amount of food and my belly gets very full then yes ......

and i have some privacy to rub it and relax ^^
9 years

New female feeder magazine!

oh interesting i wil have a look ^^
9 years

Feedees: why get fat?

hehe so at least if we are not aat the same country we share certain interests and likings ;-) i presume ^^
9 years

Female feeders want slim men?

i guess the most women fear the food costs of that endeavor ;-) ....

but i wish you luck in Canada
9 years

Feedees: why get fat?

6. You find it erotic.
2. You like to overeat.
1. You like fattening food.

So yes i have do admit that :

i find it very erotic with a full slightly chubby ripe belly and the thought of fattening food so what you actually do may come out one day cause of eating more and gaining what would be pointed out nicely or teasingly by your partner is major turn on ^^.
9 years

Gain experiment

oh thnks i will try that with the flour as i like nut icecream and sure shakes ;-)
9 years

Dominant feedee men?

hmmm ... nice idea poking yu in the tummy commanding yu do do some serious situps and other exercises while sitting on the couch watching tv and eating candy and icecream telling you if yu just have some willpower you can be in my shape in no time with this workout program....:-)
9 years

Point of no return?

Nomoreskinnygirl wrote:
joe6828 wrote:
Has anyone ever decided to gain a little bit but then ended up just getting huge instead? Ie is it hard to stop?

Uh, yeah. I think my first goal was 140 from a low of 111, and I didn't quite get there before losing 20 pounds again. I thought 140 was really chubby. Hahahahahaha. I hit 200 last winter and am floating around 160 after trying to lose weight. I can't get it to stay below 158 for more than a couple of days no matter how hard I try. So apparently, this is my new normal. :-) I've been getting the urge to eat recently, so the winter weight gain will probably follow shortly. Why fight it right? I don't want to freeze to death, after all.

Oh that sounds interesting so yu manage to gain a lot of weight and then slim down again very interesting ...:-) and that´s rare i guess

I just would love to get to a point where it would be a bit harder than now to get back into my shape i am in now.

But i fear a little hehe that i might get to lazy and to comfy by steadily eating more .....

I guess i will find out meeting a girl like you ^^ nomoreskinnygirl ....
9 years