Should i tell my boyfriend that i have a fat kink?

Being open and honest about what you like and dislike has always worked for me.
He knows how you feel now and isn't that better than worrying about it?
1 year

Putting back on weight lost

Not to worry it will come back it always does.
Eat larger portions at each meal all the weight will come back quicker than you think.
1 year

Good bye friends!! was fun!

Well when you look at it that way I see your point.
Thanks Lora.
1 year

Good bye friends!! was fun!

Why is being verified such a big deal anyway?
A website glitch perhaps? Ask a moderator why it changed.
I have been here 13 years and never paid much attention to "likes or views" or if I was verified.
1 year

Fat girls with big bellys but small boobs.

I'm a D cup but my belly has gotten so big it makes my boobs look smaller.
1 year

Barely fitting in booth.

Been a while since I could fit in a booth.
I like to try sometimes LOL
1 year

I want to be a fat woman

Randi makes some great points.
The whole "trans" thing can be really confusing.
Not sure I really understand much of it.
I am friends with a trans girl and she has had a really rough time with her family and their acceptance.
If this fantasy just popped up recently then maybe you should leave it a fantasy.
Just because you have a fantasy doesn't mean you have to act it out in real life.
1 year

What to tell friends and family when they comment on your weight/gain?

Just know you can't please everyone and its futile to even try.
Please yourself and your spouse because thats really all that matters in the long run.
1 year

What to tell friends and family when they comment on your weight/gain?

Thats true and don't get me wrong I struggled with confrontation and peer pressure growing up and was constantly bullied about being really skinny.
I have compassion for people that have confrontation issues but they need to understand its up to them to do something about it and not hide their feelings if people treat them harshly.
My Dad sat me down and explained that if I wanted things to change it was up to me to do it.
I learned to not pay attention to people saying mean things to me about how skinny I was.
Being a girl with basically a figure of a teen boy was the worst thing to have to deal with.
1 year