Belly hair?

I’m rather hairy. I shave my back, front and arms. I like the smooth look.
5 years

When did you first realise you wanted to be fat?

I’d say it’s within the past 10 years I started fantasizing about getting fat, and about 3 years ago I did start gaining.

Before that I began to be attracted to fat guys over 20 years ago. There was a fat guy named Hector I worked with. It hit me like a ton of bricks that I found him really attractive and fantasized about being with him. I still occasionally think about it.

But over the past 10 years or so I began noticing fat guys more and more, how attractive they were and how I wanted to be like them. So I started gaining. I wavered, gained, lost, gained again, a few times.

But now I’m committed to my gaining and goal. I think about what it will be like to walk around with my belly hanging over my belt and rippling. smiley
5 years

Thanksgiving prep

This is the first time in a number of years we’re going to my sister’s house. She cooks an insane and obscene amount of food. Unless she’s scaled back it will probably be
1. Baked ziti or lasagna w/ meatballs and other meats.
2. Antipasto (cold cuts, olives, red roasted peppers, etc.), Italian bread (we’re Italian).
3. Ham.
4. Turkey w /stuffing and gravy.
5. Sweet potatoes.
6. Mushrooms.
7. Vegetables.
8. Cranberry sauce.
9. Pies and Italian pastry.

This is also the first year I intend to eat with reckless abandon and unabashed gluttony in order to keep gaining weight.
5 years

Introduction/ say hi thread

Hey y'allsmiley

Hi there. 👋
5 years

I made my first fat-play video

And I really liked what I was seeing. I know I�m fat and getting fatter but seeing the blubber ripple is really cool. I don�t know if we can post vids here. If so I�ll put it up. It�s just a minute or so.

I�ve wavered about gaining, losing, gaining, rinse, repeat. But now, not one step back. I�m inching up (no pun intended) towards my initial goals of 230 lbs and my belly 50�. Main goal is 245-250 and 52-54� belly. I don�t think my frame can handle much more than that. I have a lumbar fusion and a bad knee (bone spur and arthritis).

you can post videos on the videos tab, easy

Thanks, I’ll try it. :-)
5 years

I made my first fat-play video

And I really liked what I was seeing. I know I’m fat and getting fatter but seeing the blubber ripple is really cool. I don’t know if we can post vids here. If so I’ll put it up. It’s just a minute or so.

I’ve wavered about gaining, losing, gaining, rinse, repeat. But now, not one step back. I’m inching up (no pun intended) towards my initial goals of 230 lbs and my belly 50”. Main goal is 245-250 and 52-54” belly. I don’t think my frame can handle much more than that. I have a lumbar fusion and a bad knee (bone spur and arthritis).
5 years

Anyone here into history?

Medieval and ancient history.
5 years

Share your dark fantasies

This is probably way over the top for some people, but be assured there is no violence or body fluids other than semen.

My fantasy is to have a �stable� of studs, whether lean muscled, padded muscled, bears, or whatever that I keep for milking, which would be my sole source of nutrition.

They could not have sex or masturbate. Only at certain times of day when they become uncomfortable they�d be milked into containers. Sometimes I�d have s special treat and take a snack right from the tap. They�d be given all the comforts they could ask for. They can workout and eat to their hearts content, but only I could relieve them of their loads.

Sorry if this offends anyone.

why would this offend anyone? VERY hot🔥👌I'd volunteer 😊

I thought afterwards “that’s really kind of tame”. smiley
5 years

Getting fat as a former fitness buff

I haven’t doubled my weight or have any claim like some folks here but it’s getting close. In 1993 I weighed 137 lbs, at 5’ 6” when I started working out. I got into power lifting and added a it of muscle and fat. I eventually got up to 230. I lost and gained the same 20 lbs a couple of times. I’m back up to 227, going for 230 again, then maybe 235-240.
5 years

Share your dark fantasies

This is probably way over the top for some people, but be assured there is no violence or body fluids other than semen.

My fantasy is to have a “stable” of studs, whether lean muscled, padded muscled, bears, or whatever that I keep for milking, which would be my sole source of nutrition.

They could not have sex or masturbate. Only at certain times of day when they become uncomfortable they’d be milked into containers. Sometimes I’d have s special treat and take a snack right from the tap. They’d be given all the comforts they could ask for. They can workout and eat to their hearts content, but only I could relieve them of their loads.

Sorry if this offends anyone.
5 years