Movement changes?

The little man takes much longer to do things than he used to. Also, he complains of fatigue when made to walk more than a few blocks. When he cleans he has to get down on his hands and knees because he can't squat or do anything like that anymore.
6 years

Gaining challenges

Try never leaving the house - preferably not even leaving the bed. When I was fattening up my fiance early on, I took us to a hotel where I ordered him room service while I was out hiking. I discouraged him from getting out of bed, just ordering him food. By the end of the week-end I don't think he had been out of bed more than once or twice.
6 years

Dealing with indecision

In the end, I think only you can decide for yourself what is right for you.
My fiance dealt with this a lot over the past year or so. When I first met him he was insecure- always wanting that second helping, but always afraid of gaining weight. When he moved in with me I decided to let him gain, to say nothing, and finally actively encouraged him. The change in his mood and happiness and contentment was obvious. No longer plagued by doubts, he took easily to fattening up, though he remained a little self-conscious.
The point is he's realized this is how he belongs, and although there are some trade-offs, it is so heartwarming to come home to someone so snug in their own skin, content in their changed body.
I enjoy the gym and running marathons - I don't enjoy gaining myself.
This is hardly a site for those who want to lose weight. But if you decide gaining is right for you, you have to be secure in your decision.
Good luck
6 years

How to put on weight?

Keep pushing yourself a little bit more.
When we went out to eat I always ordered two extra dishes. He went from barely finish one to finishing all three.
Dairy, carbs, meat, sweets. Let them become the base of your diet. Also, I suggest a little rest. Now the butterball takes a nap after lunch on Saturdays and a little rest after we eat out.
Slow down or cut out activities. Elevator instead of stairs, car, no hiking, running, or excessive movement. Walk slowly and ideally, even if you aren't tired find a place to rest, to get into the habit of cutting your movement in half.
Eat a heavy snack before bed, like a big bowl of Mac and cheese. It's also helpful to eat a big breakfast. At one sitting, my bf begins his day with a big bowl of museli with yogurt and granola - almost 2000 calories right there.
It may sound silly, but using bigger plates and flatware can help, because they deceive us into thinking we've given ourselves a smaller portion. Get a large popcorn at the movies, and you will eat it all. For breakfast I filled that large bowl with two cups of yogurt. It still looked small. It changes your perspective.
After a certain point it will simply be too hard to lose the weight. Somewhere between 20-30 lbs added, he lost the ability to lose. He'll never be thin again. It takes 21 days to establish a habit, and habits are what determine weight. Good luck
6 years

Advice for a new gainer

Well, I have a few tips.
1. Always eat in, and order one more dish than you intend on eating. Eating in the restaurant encourages lingering and eating, even after full.
2. Go slow. I am a fan of slower gaining. I think it's more effective long term and more enjoyable. Stretch yourself a little, consistently. You will eat more as time goes on.
3. Give in to your limitations. If you get tired, stop walking. Move as little as possible, and allow yourself to give in. When I fattened my bf I always allowed him to stop an activity, to discourage him from exercising or hiking. Make it easy on yourself to get lazy.
4. Always be eating. Put little snacks everywhere you can. Always have something to eat, to snack on. You'll gradually become dependent on them.
5. Dairy, carbs, and meat. Always your weight gain friend.
6. Eat a good, heavy large snack just before bed, and try to take naps on your days off / week-ends after a big meal. I sent my bf to a nap at first, to get him used to moving less and letting all those calories settle in. Just a half hour is fine. Or, alternately, just a 30 min rest after a big meal.
6 years

All day stuffing

An all day stuffing Can be very exciting, but be careful that your momentum keeps up.
Burritos are always useful, and everything should have carbs, dairy, and meat. I think that smaller meals with fattening foods here and there constantly works best long term.
6 years

All day treats

One thing I would suggest is using seamless or Grub hub to deliver foods to you - you won't even have to walk to a car.

I would recommend burritos - two, with guacamole and/or sour cream. That would be a good second lunch.
6 years

Christmas treats

Well, not necessarily Christmas (although he ate a fair amount of cookies and gingerbread) but he has now combined latkes with more things than I can imagine. He prepared a breakfast of blinzes while his family was in town. If you want to fatten someone, potatoes fried in oil isn't a bad option.
6 years

Gaining methods advice...

I personally don't think it's a good idea to indulge in this fetish while pregnant. It sounds tempting, but it's really not a good idea - again, my biased, un-humble opinion.
While I don't have studies on hand to link to, I have read that the mother's habits during pregnancy affect the baby as well.
One alternative is to just gain the recommended amount (and don't be deceived by the early weight drop. It will come back) and then simply fatten up after the baby arrives.
A friend of mine has gained a lot of weight with her husband, who is an avid feeder. And even he wanted to stop fattening her during her pregnancy. Now that the baby is born she is fattening back up nicely and says it's easy to do.
But I would research this choice and talk to your doctor before you do anything.
6 years

Gained because of fat friends?

Fat friends definitely helped my bf gain. Once he began hanging out with others fatter than he was, he gained pretty quickly. It definitely works
6 years