Annoying things with the fetish

I've been around in some form or another online, for 20+ years. I remember when SexyMic was new, when Dimensions was more than just a message board (including a page to a mod for the Sims 1 for obese sims), and even FatNats. You can even see my join date here to see how long I've been here.

I doubt I'll ever leave at this point since it's a big part of who I am. That said, there's certain observations I've made that irritate me somewhat and I'm not sure if they'd ever stop being annoying to some degree.

Disclaimer: This is not a generalization, and most users are not described by the following list.

1) Gender/sex distribution is heavily lopsided, though anything that has even a little bit to do with fetish, tends to have this problem as well. I'd guess it's the 1-2% of "keyboard warrior" users who effectively scare off a lot of potential female users. Thus, some (not all) of those who remain are more aloof, meaner, and harder to even start a conversation or make a connection. To be fair, it's hard to blame the portion of users who reacted this way, but it's unfortunate nonetheless. It also means I'm often discouraged from ever reaching out so, I often just don't. I've accepted long ago that I will most likely never meet a girlfriend or future wife this way, so I'm not bitter or angry. Fortunately I've lived in areas where obesity rates are high enough, that I figure I can find someone from the general public. Pro-Tip: Most women don't like being called a cow, piggy, fat sluts, etc. Even the ones who might, it'd only be behind closed doors and after a very high degree of trust in the relationship is establish.

2) It seems most folks I find online into this, are substantially younger than I am. At age 30+, user count seems to drop substantially. I'm just glad I'm not 40+ or 50+. I would guess that it's because in the late 90s, there weren't a lot of good online options and many out there never thought to look it up online. Also because the farther you go back in modern history, the higher the degree of anti-fat sentiment in general. There's nothing inherently wrong with this, but it does mean I may not have much in common. It's funny how something as simple as remembering pulse dialing, having used payphones, an era before GPS, mainstream smartphones, Facebook, Twitter, or even a time before Windows sometimes makes a difference.

3) Some users, particularly female, may assume I only want one thing so I'm dismissed right away. The odds of this increase, the younger the user is. I'm not interested in that sort of thing, and I'm not a "cradle robber" but they might assume anyway. If I talk to someone that young, it would be to ask questions or chat about strictly non-sexual topics. Actually, that's how I approach anyone regardless of age. If it somehow turns intimate and sexual later, cool and I'm not against that, but certainly not right away or overnight. If I might be interested in someone that way, I might try a few slight, mild hints but nothing overt, just to gauge the reaction. If she doesn't bite, no harm no foul.

4) A marked rise in beggars in recent years who just want to try being "models" and want free food or money. The pandemic exacerbated this somewhat, but it was kind of problem even before then. This is against the rules of FF by the way, but I'm talking about the community in general.

5) I almost called this reverse body-shaming but no, no "reverse" about it. The bit about denigrating someone who is very skinny. Or those who say things like how if you don't weigh at least 250 lbs, that you can't possibly be serious.

6) Related to #5... the men who assume that every woman wishes or needs to gain if she's below X weight. As nice as that might sound, it just doesn't work that way. Ultimately, she has to be on board with it and would like to do so, and some don't. Side note: It's just as wrong if it's the other way around, but this is the direction of this dynamic I'm most likely to observe.

7) Kind of related to #1 and #2, but it's a small enough niche that you're still very unlikely to meet anyone who's into this, in person. Or at least someone where you know for a fact he's into it. I don't really believe in long distance relationships for a number of reasons, but that's off-topic for this thread. I live in one of the largest metro areas of America. Even so, there's not that many users who were active and logged in sometime within the last month. Then most of those who are there, are far away from my age range or haven't been online for months. It's a little frustrating, but I've always known it's going to be mostly solitary. There's nothing that can be done about it so no point in moping.

Think I almost met a couple who were possibly into feederism but I couldn't be sure, and I only saw them once, never to be seen again. Of course, you can't just ask about this sort of thing. Still, might have been nice if I could talk
2 years

Maltodextrin for fat gaining

I’ve seen maltodextrin mentioned on ff a few times, but I’m not too familiar with it.

What benefit are people seeking from it? Why choose it over other classic foods/ingredients?

I don't think anyone is suggesting relying it entirely, but as a supplemental ingredient. It's a common ingredient in the various weight gain/workout/gym-rat powders out there, but raw maltodextrin is vastly cheaper than any of these specialty powders.

It's a carbohydrate that digests very quickly; but it does have a very high glycemic index so take it easy at first until you figure out how you might feel. Kind of like how you might feel if you had a LOT of sugar or HFCS in a very short amount of time.

There's also a theory that consuming sugar or other carbs with a high glycemic index along with fats, help to sort of "open up" the fat cells to aid in the absorption and storage of fat, but someone else with more knowledge about this would no doubt know more about this.
2 years

Maltodextrin for fat gaining

1 pint heavy whipping cream
1 pint of your favorite Ben and Jerry’s (melted for easy blending)
1-2 scoops of Malto.

Mix it just enough to blend ingredients (if you overdo it , it turns far too thick between the cream and the malto.)

Enjoy the deliciousness.

* best if split in half , one serving in morn one at evening , otherwise you’ll be far too full to have any actual food. Use this is a supplement on top of your regular diet, not as a replacement.

What do you mean by "if you overdo it?" Blending it too much, or not enough?

I find this recipe interesting, since this involves combining maltodextrin with other ingredients that are very high in dairy fat. But when I tried that with half & half as being another major ingredient (and a couple other things for flavor), it was clumpy as hell and undrinkable.
2 years

Maltodextrin for fat gaining

Whatever you do, be very careful about mixing it with anything that's high in fat, or just don't.

I tried it once, and mixed it with half & half. Not even double/heavy cream. The mix was SO thick and clumpy that it was undrinkable, so I had to throw it away.

That said, I've heard other reports of folks using it and getting good results. Hopefully other folks who got better results will chime in and they'll talk about their experiences, good and bad.
2 years

Over the hump

Sometimes, yes. I don't think I'm entirely over the hump yet, but I'm less conflicted now than I was before.

Thoughts of "What am I doing to myself?" are being replaced with "This plateau is frustrating," or "I wish I wasn't full already," or "I need to be bigger, fatter, and have a larger appetite."

I'm not sure when I might get over the hump, but I think it'll happen at some point. Maybe in 30 lbs? Or 40-50+ lbs?

But I definitely like the changes so far, for the most part, even in spite of the fact that I've had to buy more clothes, or that I dislike shoelaces even more than I did before, not that I ever really liked them in the first place.

The only possible road block that I'm not entirely sure how to deal with yet, that still bothers me somewhat, are what my parents might say. They're a bit health-conscious and my father likes to workout fairly regularly and seems to almost hate sugar most of the time. My mother doesn't go to the gym and only engages in light activity, but eats very little and tends to focus more on so-called "healthy food" which tends to be either more expensive and/or lacking in calories and don't really seem to satisfy. I love them of course, but when they're around, the food is sad and disappointing and I don't usually feel satisfied. Although, this has also been a bit of an unknown so far.

So far, my mother hasn't said anything seriously negative. She kind of wishes I was a little more active, but nothing heavy or highly strenuous. Sometimes I wish I could too, but I feel like that costs a lot of time that sometimes, I feel like I can't spare.

The last time I saw my father, he actually said I need to lose some weight, but I think that was one of the rare times he talks about health things with me, and it was through text message since I guess he didn't want a face to face confrontation. Not sure how this will play out. I'm not actually that heavy yet (this is why I need to gain more), though perhaps he was shocked that I have much more of a gut than I used to at one time. He does have other family members who are fat, but he isn't close to them (this is not related to their physical size).

If I had to guess, he may not notice if my waistline expands a couple more inches, which at the very least, I'd like to do. But I can't help but think it might be worse or with more emphasis if I gain significantly more. At the same time, I don't really know what would happen.

I do know that in private conversation with me, when others can't hear, they often say negative anti-fat (or at least, anti-obese) comments. On the bright side, there have been "pleasantly plump" and even fat individuals they have respected for one reason or another, because they really are/were good people. So it could be worse.

But yeah, this is the only thing I really worry about. Or the possible flak I might get if one day, I bring a lady who's 300+ lbs, though assuming I love her enough, I'm sure I'd find a way to deal and I expect they would accept it.

I guess another hump I possibly foresee, but I can't be sure when it might happen, is if/when I start to develop a double-chin. That might cause me to reassess, but of course I won't know until I get there! Though, the thought of developing cellulite and back rolls, that doesn't seem to bother me. If anything, that would mean I'm doing something right. Kind of wish some more weight would have made it to my butt, but a lot of this is genetic to begin with.
2 years

Sugar for sugar?

You're pretty new so I won't remove this thread, but.. #8 in particular. Just a light reminder. Without these rules, probably every other post would be along these lines.

I also don't believe it's possible to give memberships to others directly, either. At least not as of this writing. I understand the frustration, but it's cheaper than many streaming services, and cheaper than a Large #3 combo from Whataburger with added bacon, at least under the annual discount. You can also save a penny if you purchase both pieces separately, rather than the combination.
2 years

Is there a term for wanting to be fattened by feeders who are 400-600 pounds?

No, I don't believe there is such a term. Although, the terms that do exist aren't mutually exclusive, and multiple terms can of course apply to one individual.

The only specific term I can think of that actually combines two preexisting terms is "mutual gainer" since that combines being a feeder with being a feedee.

That said, there's definitely some individuals who are 400+ lbs who may not necessarily be interested in getting bigger, at least not on purpose but nevertheless love the idea of making someone else as fat as they are, or even bigger.

No, I think it's just a case of liking what you like.
2 years

Female gainers willing to relocate?

To be fair, long distance relocation is very expensive and in the case of many, it could also mean leaving a lot behind. It's a great deal to ask of someone, particularly if that someone knows very little about the destination area. It's one thing to move a county over, another when it means crossing state lines or hundreds of miles away.

I say this as someone who moved a long way, though this was because I was getting away from a bad situation (not abuse, but a very dim, bleak potential future) and I didn't really have anything to keep me there.

I wouldn't mind if someone was to relocate to me, but it's a big decision and I'd have to make sure they're entirely onboard with it.
2 years

Central texas event

I might be interested, depending. DFW here. Though I admit I don't like the idea of going to Austin at all.

For all the cute BBW I see here, and that DFW has around 1/4 of the state's population, I'm a bit surprised there aren't more here.
2 years

Female new englander looking for help to fatten up.

Hey. The fact you do seem to live in the middle of nowhere, very likely isn't helping matters. There's less of the economy of shipping by volume.

It's true that overall cost has gone up somewhat, pretty much everywhere, though more so on some items than others.

However, it's also quite possible you might be making expensive or suboptimal food choices that you might not have to make, or have little to no advantage. I'm certainly not going to tell you to rely on just bread and water.. I certainly cant, and that's no fun anyway. But it's possible I may be able to offer some ideas that may help economize somewhat, or to get a bigger bang for your buck. Maybe it's some ideas you heard before, but maybe not.

I'll say this though - you've done a fine job yourself, from one gainer to another. Haven't quite had the results you have had, at least not yet.

If you'd like to chat, just let me know. The best way would be to send me a PM.
2 years