Sexuality in search.


Orientation is already even in profiles, albeit within the "Dating" section that most can't see. Building on this, a suggestion might be to move orientation to the "About Me" of a profile.

Can you profile some further information about this please. The dating section is available for everyone, so all users, free or subscribing will be able to fill this out and view it on others profiles.

Can we add sexuality into the search. I’m into guys as feeders but don’t want to weed through straight guys or approach someone romantically who just isn’t interested.

We can certainly look into adding sexuality / orientation to the profile search function.

Reflection Of Perfection:
I wanted to get rid of my "dating" profile but it won't let me delete it. I don't even remember filling it out 13 years ago

At the moment there isn't a way to hide the dating section from your profile. You can put down that you're looking for friendships , if your not on the site for romantic or sexual partners. Other option is to leave the section blank for now!

2 years

I need this comic

Sadly I have no money so if you’ve got a download link that would be great

Lets support creators who make great Feedism content, and not steal their content / bypass paying for it.

FF Team
2 years

Update: website menu on mobile currently not working

Hi all,

Apologies for this but we wanted to make you all aware. We have uploaded an update to the site, and unfortunately the menu seems to be unavailable for mobile users.

We are aware of the issue, and the site owner is working on this. Hopefully it won't take too long to fix, and we hope to get things up and running again as normal.

Please note there are no issues when using the site on desktop.

Thanks for your patience!

FF Team
2 years

Message characters / words

This was something that was suggested by another member, I personally thought this would give further information to a reader about whether they wanted to open a message, not less information.

Rather than displaying *Hey* or whatever the subject title may be, and seeing more of the actual message as a preview would surely give you more information as you can see more of the message text.

Maybe there's a way to work in both... I will poke hiccupx about this.

I will say it's unlikely that we will add a word count. So if there are any other suggestions, then please list below.

FF Team
2 years

Viewing convos with deleted accounts

This is a little off topic for the original thread. so have created a new forum:
New Forum

FF Team
2 years

Message characters / words

I would prefer if a fix went a step farther and made it so that clicking on any conversation wasn't all it took and you had to also send a message for it to count as one of your 5; it's a bit annoying when you're trying to go back to a conversation to look back on something that was said. But I understand that the site needs to draw revenue somehow.

Ayumi Orihime:
Yeah, sometimes (often? most of the time?) I open a message and the text is "hi" or "hello there". Wasted 1 message for the day. Yay 😒

I absolutely hate that crap. Write an actual paragraph (or more!) or don't bother...

Jiggle Junkie:
Feature Request: word count in the mailbox next to messages. That way members can estimate from the word count whether a message is worth opening before they open it for a one- or few-word vacuous message.

Just moving this suggestion to a new thread. I will note that in the past we have considered removing the subject line completely from messages, so that the first line of a message appears in the inbox instead, which would give users more insight into whether they want to open a message or not. Maybe this is something we can re-think about to change in the future.

2 years

Viewing convos with deleted accounts

Hi PolyPinoyPuppy,

Thanks for your suggestion. This is something we have on our to fix list. I will certainly bring it up again with the site owner. However we tend to go round and fix areas and sections of the site. So this will likely be net looked at when it comes round to the message sections turn for an update.

Cheers for helping out the site with your suggestions. Keep them coming!

FF Team
2 years

Why do pictures stay up if you deleted your account?

Thank you for responding to this JiggleJunkie. You have covered everything and are correct in your understanding of how the site works.

Please note that Fantasy Feeder follows GDPR rules and legislation. When an account is deleted all content and registration / account information is removed accordingly.

As advised, in this instance, the account has not been deleted. The profile has been removed / restricted from view for breaking site rules. However the rest of the content is available.


FF Team
2 years

Site verification

I've tried to get verified a few times but nothing ever happened. I also tried messaging an admin about it but I never heard back. I'm pretty sure I followed the instructions correctly.

I am not sure which admin you got in touch with but please accept my apologies that you have not had a response.

I have checked the verification section and can see that we do have an verification request from you so I have approved this for you today!

I hope that helps!

FF Team
2 years