Introduction/ say hello, thread

^ Welcome babe. smiley Yep that's my girlfriend. xD Enjoy your stay. <3
13 years

Pokemon! ^_^

Oh Team Plasma? Sounds awesome. :3 Though I don't really care for their uniforms that much, but the Admins uniforms probably will look awesome.
13 years

How would you like your belly

Very similar to my gf's belly, a double one. xP
13 years

How do love the body who were born into?

To answer the OP question, not really. I believe I am too skinny, and in which is why I want to change my body. (Of course, I love fat and I've been wanting to be fat since I was 10, that's the other reason...) Also, to the OP believe me love takes time to find. You'll find a nice guy who loves you for you, looks aren't everything. You seem like a really nice girl, and if that is you in the pic you are adorable and I bet you have a beautiful body too.
13 years

Am i alone or what?

Sorry for the title, I couldn't think of one. Anyway, does anyone else find themselves to be attracted to another body part of your lover besides their gorgeous stomach? No I don't mean anything naughty, like their hands or something. xP I find myself to be very attracted to my girlfriend's big beautiful arms. o.O I just love watching her move her arms, and I love how soft they are... *sigh* Hopefully i'm not alone. ^^'
13 years


Lets see, my greatest fear would be heights. It's funny, my gf is the complete opposite. xD Next would be vacuum cleaners. >.> One broke by my ear when I was 2, and ever since I have been afraid of them. Everyone used to make fun of me because of this. smiley Next are spiders and insects. I'm afraid of most of them, but not all insects. And lastly, i'm afraid of giving speeches or talking in front of a crowd. You could imagine how scared and nervous I get before giving a presentation for college. >.>
13 years

Girlfriends fat?

So then my GF is considered an SSBBW? I don't think so yet, she weighs about 275 lbs. and is 5'4". I always thought if you had a BMI of 50 or more, then you're considered a SSBBW. Her BMI is only about 46 or 47. Oh and for the record, she wears a size 13 in underpants and that's my favorite number. xP
14 years

Lesbian shout out

Lesbian here! smiley Been with my girlfriend for a year and 8 days now. ^_^
14 years

Fatten a celebrity

Winona Ryder, and Eliza Dusku(sp?). That would be soo hawt. :3
14 years