Does this site make us gain more

Yes without doubt this website has contributed to my size increase. It's also increased my self confidence so that I look forward to getting fatter rather than being ashamed of it.

Same for me. It has really spurred me on to be happy with my fat desires and enjoy gaining weight. It has also opened my eyes to the beauty and sexual appeal of SSBBWs. When I was younger I tended to like chubby girls but now women 300 lbs. and up really turn me on. And my own weight gain to over 300 lbs. has been a pleasurable journey as well
9 years


I try to walk every day and work on weight training for my legs. As you get older, keeping your legs strong is key to being able to carry the extra weight without stress. And I do upper body weight lifting as well. None of this burns many calories, which I prefer, since my goal is to be healthy, strong, and fat.
9 years

My roommate knows i want to be fat

For both of you I definitely don't feel you should be ashamed or worried. There are many man and women who have the same desires to gain and grow fat and are turned on by the process. Be positive in your dealings with others, happy with yourself, and if someone should comment, just say "I am happy with how I look and I do love to eat!" That works for me. And with 70% of Americans overweight or obese, being fat is now the norm. It is amazing how many couples I see where one or both partners are 300 lbs. or more. And I am seeing so many more couples where the guy is fit and obviously loves his fat wife or girlfriend given his amorous attentions in public.
9 years

Why do you love it? (fat, that is.)

Well said faremark. I could not agree more. Mutual feeding and fattening would be the ultimate relationship for me as well. I can't think of anything more erotic.
9 years

Why do you love it? (fat, that is.)

Fat is soft and sensual, its comforting and warm, it can envelope you and make you feel safe, it can be molded and played with, it can feel like silk it can pin you down. Fat can be kissed and tasted and experienced in so many ways....

Guess I love my fat smiley

Wow, you hit it right on the head. Your thoughts are exactly why I love fat. And I would add I find it so visually appealing, bulging out of too tight clothes, soft sensuous rolls encircling someones waist, a full fat belly jiggling with every step, its all so erotic!
9 years

Overly full and feeling fatter

I love moments like you are experiencing PinkyDear. Submitting to complete gluttony. Filling your belly to maximum capacity. Feeling absolutely full and fat. The sugar high you get that feels like you are going to pass out in a food coma. Its all so wonderful when you let yourself completely go!
9 years

Family against becoming fat

I think the above advice is excellent. Just be yourself, enjoy overeating when you are not with family, and slowly and steadily gain weight. It is much easier on your body if you take it slow. I speak from personal experience. And if someone comments, just say I am not interested in dieting and I am happy with how I look and love to eat.
9 years

Help_ need some advice with "dirty" talk

This might help. For me saying things like: "I have been a really bad girl today. I ate all the ice cream we had and couldn't help myself. I am turning into such a pig." or "I just can't stop eating. I am being such a piggy. Would you feed me and help me become a big fat piggy?"

Any type of comments that marry your inability to maintain control over what you eat, your concern and desire to become a fat piggy just for him may do the trick. Try it. I know comments like this really light my fire!
9 years

Weight gain

For me it is both. I fantasize about weight gain on myself and others all the time but when I finally let myself go and gained 130 lbs. I found the process to be highly pleasurable, watching my body expand with layers of fat, watching the numbers climb every higher on the scale and continually outgrowing my clothes.
9 years

How common is extreme obesity (bmi of 50+) in the general society?

I think in a large city that is very diverse, you will see more obese people. Here in Chicago there are many large obese people. It seems those that are overweight are growing even larger. Go to a local mall or your average restaurant and there are many people in the 300 to 450 lb. range. I am seeing more and more women in my community becoming ever larger. For an FA like me it is pure heaven. And with large women being much more accepted in the Hispanic and African American communities, Chicago has beautiful obese women everywhere.
9 years