Legal questions?

I'm not an attorney, but I do share your concerns when it comes to privacy and limiting personal information on the web.

Regarding content searchable on Google, the following links might be helpful:

One thing I know for certain is once you post an image or text on the web, it's almost impossible to completely remove. After all, the web is global.

Think about search engines and servers in China and other countries that don't have copyright laws like the United States. Even here it's almost impossible to stop piracy.

The recording industry still can't stop pirated movies and music from being illegally downloaded millions of times each day.

Good luck in your endeavor.
12 years

Fat girls with skinny boyfriends/fat men with skinny girlfriends

Let's not forget the purpose of this site is to promote fat acceptance.

While we all have our preferences, there is no need to berate those with whom we disagree.
12 years

Fas out and about

Back when I was single I was not one to approach a BBW out in a public forum.

I met my wife eight years ago on a dating website specifically for BBWs and FAs.

The best part about BBW dating sites is that everyone is there for the same reason.

While FF is a great resource for fat-related content, it's my suggestion to any singles looking for "the one" to join one or more bbw dating sites.
12 years

So i have a friend...

When money is tight the "Value" or "Dollar" menu at most major fast-food restaurants is just the ticket for high-calorie food without breaking the bank.

The sedentary nature of bookkeeping or office work in general, combined with copious consumption of fatty, convenient fast-food is likely to cause weight gain quite rapidly.
12 years

Science: getting a bigger ass

A sedentary lifestyle will help increase size, but genetics will determine shape and proportions.
12 years

Fat girls with skinny boyfriends/fat men with skinny girlfriends

My wife has 100+ pounds on me. I like the size difference and agree that it's aesthetically pleasing.
12 years
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