
25 pounds in a couple months is a great accomplishment. Just rest on that a bit.
4 years

What does a cake shake bloat feel like.

its rich and heavy. Really sweet too. It's fun to do though. Especially and namely if someone is there to encourage or egg you on. Fair warning though that its also a good way to blimp up if you do it more than twice. Once is probably enough to add two pounds to you.

Two pounds of what? Fat? Or food that will leave you in a day or so?
4 years

Communists and other leftists ?

Great click-bait topic. Maybe someone should start "fascists and other alt-righters" and let the two threads duke it out on a site that has nothing to do with either.

I don't think you clearly understand what fascism is.
4 years

Pueraria mirifica gaining journal

Week 12

Weight: 161 lbs
Bust: 36 in
Waist: 31 in
Hips: 38 in
Thigh: 22 in

Comments: I've lost some weight, so less waist but I still have the same breast size, which create a slightly bigger contrast between them and the rest of my chest. Boobs are still sore and I noticed that sometimes they are itchy. I never thought boobs could itch, but apparently that's a sign of growth. Maybe it's because I now use a cream everyday for my skin, but it seems a tiny bit softer.
I'm soon seeing a doctor for HRT so the end of my little journey might be near!

How much growth have you seen since you started PM?
4 years

Books on sex for fat couples

Could I get some recommendations on books about sex positions and practices for fat heterosexual couples. Old standbys like the Kama Sutra aren't very helpful to me because they don't take into account fat people.
4 years


Has anybody ever tried Boost Very High Calorie drink? Thoughts?

Tastes okay. Seems to work for gaining. Very expensive.
4 years

Wife worried about weightgain on nexaplanon implant

Why take birth control if you’re married?

Maybe don't want kids?
4 years

Pueraria mirifica gaining journal

I meant how big...

Oh I thought it was implied that I hope they get as big as they can!

Ah! I hope you become enormous.
4 years