Big brother 2012

Salt, I agree with you about Becky to an extent that she's quite one-dimensional and loving food/going on about food is sort of her gimmick. Bit of a one-trick pony. But on the other hand, isn't it refreshing to see a fat woman on prime time telly (yeah I know only about 10 people watch it now, haha but even so) being upfront about liking food? We are so inured to the fact that a fat person should be apologetic about loving eating that I'm finding her uncompromising attitude quite refreshing.

And yeah I kinda felt sorry for Lauren at the beginning too. Then stupidly I thought it was quite sweet when she and Adam started flirting cos it was d'awww. But then I lost patience with her when it became clear she wasn't interested but carried on encouraging him.

Oh and claiming she's a tomboy whilst having expensively highlit blonde hair tonged into perfect waves, wearing a ton of makeup, a bodycon sparkly sheath of a dress and vertiginous platform stillettos? Yeah real tomboy.

Although why do I even care? Haha I always try to intellectualise this show as a great experiment into observation of human nature but really I'm just trying to excuse my own lame fascination with watching car crash telly...
12 years

Geordie shore?

Bubba Jay wrote:
its alright I guess....

Even thought the lads are idiots and the lasses are sluts....

it is pretty funny

Sorry, the girls are sluts why exactly? Because they're behaving like the boys, ie snogging/shagging anyone willing (or sometimes even not so willing)? Seems to me the boys and girls on the show are equally slutty. And equally idiotic. Just interesting you choose to call the women sluts and not the equally promiscuous men. It takes two to tango after all. In fact in the episodes I've seen (which is only a few) the boys seem to be more likely to be unfaithful to their girlfriends than vice versa.

Feminist rant over.
12 years

Big brother 2012

salt wrote:
foxglove wrote:

I met Jonty (from a BB series yonks ago) the other day. He's bonkers, fyi.

I used to work with Jonty before he went into the BB house, so imagine my surprise when I saw him on telly!!! He was quiet and quite socially akward whenever I saw him at work.

No way!! haha that's a spooky coincidence. He told me he now runs something called Jonty's Walks apparently, as an official Westminster Guide.

salt wrote:

I wanted Lauren to win but now she's gone, probably Luke A or Adam.

Argh! I don't get why people like her! OMG she was such a p***ktease! I know Adam should have known better, but she totally led him on when she had no intention of anything happening. She is one of those girls who spends time only with boys because she needs them all to fancy her for her own self-validation. She claims "girls don't like me" but does she actually ever attempt to forge a relationship or friendship with a girl? Nope. She has no interest in investing in a friendship with a girl because they are no currency to her; she only wants the attention of boys. She hogs the attention and lust of the boys even though she doesn't want to have romantic involvement with them. When their attention appears to waver she does a split-legs handstand in front of them, fully knowing the effect she's having (did you SEE the smug smile on her face as she walked off after that?!). No wonder girls have trouble getting on with her; she won't talk to them (pointless for her, there's nothing in it for her). She was rejected by the rest of the housemates so she had no option to sit all day with Adam and Luke A, and then cynically flirted to get acceptance from them. She's even had Luke A confess that he'd fancy her if he weren't married. She doesn't know how to relate to another human if it isn't based on them having sexual attraction for her. Oh, and then she pretends she didn't know Adam fancied her. Yeah, right Lauren, 'cos you always cuddle up with/spoon with/bite playfully/tell them you adore them/do handstands with your crotch out in front of/get in bed with your best mate when you're "one of the lads". So she's a liar as well as a tease!

Rant over.

That just goes to show that I have NO LIFE. I can't believe I've given her character this much thought....

*goes off to kill herself*
12 years

Big brother 2012

I am so sad that I am still watching! BB is the highlight of my summer every year... that is how unbelievably lame I am.

Becky's doing an awesome job of making fat chicks look hot and sassy - she's so pretty & I love her wardrobe. Probably the tide is turning against her now on grounds of bitchiness though. It do like how she occasionally mentions wanting to eat as many calories as possible and doesn't give a sh1t about not being slim. Although she's maybe not as confident as she likes to portray given how upset she got at having to wear camouflage combats for that task. But did you see her in the tight jeans she had to wear for the paintball-up-the-bottom task? She looked hot in them!

Don't know who I want to win. They're all ghastly. Possibly Luke A or Adam on the basis they appear to have more than one brain cell, but Luke A does tend to moan a lot, and I suspect Adam of being a sex pest. And those muscly blokes need to Put.It.Away. Really. I have had enough of their nauseating vanity.

I met Jonty (from a BB series yonks ago) the other day. He's bonkers, fyi.
12 years

I'm being totally uncool....

AliceInWonderland wrote:
I have no idea what this thread is about but I feel sorry for big macs, you didn't need to bring their delicious lushness into it.

It didn't make any sense in the first place but makes even less now that Softly (the OP) has deleted her profile or her posts or something.
12 years

Whtvr happened 2 conversation?

I thought the title of the thread was supposed to be mockery of those who abbreviate to txtspk!
12 years


Gingersnaps wrote:
Cardiacs. Oh how I do love them.
I know for a fact that there are at least three (lol) other people on here that love 'em too.

Oh cool. I didn't know I was into punkrock but if that's what the Cardiacs are then yay. So who are the other two?
12 years