Boyfriend applications?

oh yeahI am a guy and am single so if you are nice ;-) why not ^^
10 years

Anyone else have this fantasy?

h yes this is a hot fantasy ;-) i would love to see those changes on me and the comment and teasing from my girl feeder then ^^.

Oh some measuring and some fitnesstest before and after would be nice as well ;-)
10 years

Stuffing while having sex?

latinabbwlover wrote:
that sounds like a sexy idea! i always wanted to put whipped cream on my nipples and have someone lick it off

hehe oh lovely imagining your gf just puts so much whipped cream on her to lick it of her until my belly grows round and touches her neither regions softly ;-) at so point of fullness^^
10 years

Stuffing while having sex?

FFAShadows wrote:
One of my favorite ways to feed my man smiley Then if you want to get even dirtier I'll make him eat it off my body. I try to feed him at a steady pace so he doesn't get too full. But it's the best. Usually I'm more submissive when we have sex and I'm on my back but when it comes to feeding, I straddle him instead. smiley With a burger in my hand. Sometimes the covers will get covered in lettuce/ketchup etc. XD So many times... I'll go to sleep and realize I have a slice of a tomato stuck to my back XP

mhmmm... Burgers in bed perfect ^^
10 years

Stuffing while having sex?

Cake n Comics wrote:
It's a huge fantasy of mine to a ride or gown on a guy while he stuffs himself. Or, even better, to add another girl into the mix, and take turns pleasuring and feeding him.
It's a little impractical, but fantasies are fantasies!

hmmm... that sounds very exciting but one girl for a start would be enough girls???
;-) i would get to chubby ....
10 years

Getting your so into fat

YoMan wrote:
Another thread I saw today sparked this post about getting your partner on board with fat-love. Not about weight gain per se, but it includes elements of it.

When I first met my girlfriend 3 years ago, she definitely didn't like my chub, but didn't say anything right away. After a month or so, she said, "Did you ever think about doing some crunches?"

It was actually tactful, looking back - it wasn't like "I'm not attracted to your body as it is." It was a suggestion and a hint, not meant to hurt feelings.

I did crunches for, what, two days, and that was that.

Long story short, as we got to know each other and fell deeply in love or whatever you wish to call it, she started to love my fat.

I knew a corner had been turned when we were on a plane and I leaned forward to get something and my t-shirt came up in back. I felt a hand on one of my love handles. I stayed bent over while she gently ran her hand over it, squeezed it a few times, gave it a small shake, then gently slid away.

I straightened up, completely turned on. She saw what her touch did to me and from then on, she was all over my fat.

In the car, she would slide a hand into my shirt, find one of my moobs and squeeze, caress, lift and drop it and shake it. If she wanted sex, she knew all she had to do was get in bed with me, grab my stomach with both hands and shake it squeeze it poke it stroke it, and I would be ready in less than 60 seconds. She'd found my hot button and worked it. Wow.

Whereas with my previous partner, I asked her to grab me and she did, but it wasn't with committment or a real understanding of what I was asking her to do, and I ended up saying forget it because A) It didn't work and smiley It was embarrassing. The woman I talk about above completely understood, and once she got on board, we were just sick into each other. Still are.

At the same time, she got behind her own weight gain - my weight stayed the same, she gained about 30 pounds - and got volcanically turned on when I shook her belly rolls and her own love handles.

I think sometimes people are looking for a fat person or a feeder or feedee, 1,2,3, on line or wherever, and they want to go from zero to stuffing someone and putting 100 pounds on them in 5 minutes. I've been there, too.

But maybe there is someone special out there you can find, and then slowly integrate whatever your fat pleasure is over time, and before you know it you have a partner you really love and who you also can explode with when the time is right.

Oh my that was hot ;_)

yeah maybe even those things exist ^^ would be evenly nice to discover maybe even better like a christmas present ...:_)
10 years

"why get fat" - the statistics

Wowo i really envy you for your work and effort to put all those data together just for fun ;-)
10 years

Since what age?

So hi Bloaty ^^ here is your answer and it´s nice you are, too from Germany :-)

39 years old
- male -

- I tried bloating without knowing the word for it :_) with the age of 15 or 16 with lots and lots of water -

- only later i tried to gain a few by stuffing myself full of sweets and iceream and food -

and now i like to have a full belly even gaining e few and thinking about a nice realtionship where i gain a little more over time than my gf who likes to tempt me to eat and tease me about a softer belly in a sweet way :-)
10 years

Your kinkiest fantasy

Unknown Error wrote:
Mine is being force feeding while my feeder continuously tells me how fat I've gotten and teasing me as they make me even bigger then a nice long belly rub while they whisper sweet things in my ear to ease my pain. Then you all can probably guess what happens next smiley

hmm that sounds nice and lovely
10 years

"searching for a story" thread

oh that sounds so perfectly sexy for my tastes hehe i would love to read that story ^^

please tell me if you ever find it ;-) will ya ;-)
pleeease ^^
10 years