Skinny fat

What does it mean?
4 years

The next generation

There is nothing sexual about this. It's about how to answer the question of "why are you so fat?". Obviously one does not discuss topics of sex with kids.
4 years

Fat men's clubs

I'd love to see that.
4 years

The next generation

Because I felt the desire to grow immensely fat from an early age, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised if my kids, nieces, or nephews tell me they want to get fat too. Has anyone here dealt with this? How did you handle it? Have you been an observer to this?
4 years

10 days trip

I said everybody is different so there is no set in stone kind of answer

Well, I guess I'm different. If people get fat with heavy cream and they like it, I say, "Mazel Tov" but I'd rather drink bleach than heavy cream. Yucky!!

I do like milkshakes, though. In fact, I LOVE milkshakes. Don't you think a person can make progress with milkshakes even if they don't get a lot of cream into their diet?

The trick with heavy cream is to mix it with something.
4 years


I love mine and want them to get bigger.
4 years

Pueraria mirifica gaining journal

I am on PM, and my nipples are sore. But it is strange. It is not on the skin side, it seems to be the back side of them. I don't think it is breast buds. I am not sure what it is.

Yeah like if there was some sort of sore muscle just behind the nipple right?
I guess that means they're growing and PM is working. I'll have to get out of the closet before it becomes too obvious and weird for other people.

Or just keep getting fatter so your boobs are proportionate.
4 years

Psych meds

Has anybody gained weight from psych meds?

I have been prescribed many different psychiatric medications, but the only one that turned me into a bottomless eating machine was Risperdal. This was before I had committed to gaining, so I stopped taking it before I gained any real weight. Ironically, this was at my lowest adult weight (~120 lbs), and I remember my psychiatrist at the time commenting that I could stand to gain a few pounds..., 115 lbs later at 235, he might have a different opinion (if he wasn’t retired.)

Obligatory side-note: Psychiatric medication is serious business, and should be the subject of careful consideration by the prescriber and the individual receiving it.

Something to note is that the Risperdal literature lists diabetes as a side effect.
4 years

Arbitrary goals besides weight? what are yours?

Though I'm around 320-325 now, I haven't yet popped a button or ripped seams. I'd like to do that.

I've also fantasized about getting so fat that I can no longer reach the front of my belly. Then getting even fatter such that my belly rests on the floor when I'm sitting in a chair.
4 years

Fattening partner

He didn't say anything at the time I said I liked him bigger. However at lunch he ate a lot and drank soda, way past when he was full, he was burping he was so stuffed. Then we went to lie down and he fell asleep as I rubbed his belly.

When he woke up he kept asking me to lay my head on his "big fat belly" and w**k him off. It was so so hot that he was saying that. I did so whilst kissing his belly. I asked to go on top of him and did and I orgasmed, then he went on top and did the same. Cuddled all afternoon.

Was great. We've since had an argument about something else though so that's not good.

He is getting a little bigger every week.

Well, that seems pretty clear he likes being fat and getting fatter. Sympanty for the argument though.
4 years