
Yeah, noisy eating and drinking drives me nuts. When my husband drinks anything he makes a glug... glug... glug... sound and then takes a breath as if having been under water. His brother-in-law makes all kinds of tongue and lip sounds. Needless to say, I hate eating with that family.
6 years

I miss my belly

Due to back and leg pain from a lumbar fusion my pain management doctor wanted me to lose weight. He says the belly is a problem. So I lost about 5-6� from my belly.

My 42 waist pants that slid down under my belly are now quite loose. But I really liked having a belly that spread out and filled my shirts when I sat. Not to mention it being on display when I walk or stand.

I want to strike a balance between having a nice round belly, growing my muscles again (I�m back to weight training), feeling well and sneaking my belly past the doctor. I might gain back 2-3� and hold there.

Surely a couple extra inches won�t hurt. Your gut looks great!

Thanks. I’m also thinking of putting back a couple of inches, maybe 2-3. That would put me at about 45-46”. I was up to 50” when my doc started busting my nuts about it.
6 years

When someone has made a comment about your fitness level.

Despite being fat it’s obvious I’m pretty muscular. I’ve been called a bull and “built like a truck”. One day while my boss and some techs were moving equipment I held a door open. My boss said breathlessly “wait, why are we pushing this and the guy with the muscles is holding the door?” I said because I worked out the night before. smiley
6 years

First fat person you were attracted to?

A custodian at my job from a long time ago. His name was Hector. I didn’t yet accept being gay, nor was I attracted to fat guys. But this guy did it for me. Whenever I saw him or thought about him I fantasized being with him, and had to run off somewhere to “relieve” myself. Woof! He was hot!

Uh... brb... smiley
6 years

I miss my belly

Due to back and leg pain from a lumbar fusion my pain management doctor wanted me to lose weight. He says the belly is a problem. So I lost about 5-6” from my belly.

My 42 waist pants that slid down under my belly are now quite loose. But I really liked having a belly that spread out and filled my shirts when I sat. Not to mention it being on display when I walk or stand.

I want to strike a balance between having a nice round belly, growing my muscles again (I’m back to weight training), feeling well and sneaking my belly past the doctor. I might gain back 2-3” and hold there.
6 years

Weight gain

I always thought fat guys were sexy and wanted to be like them. While I’m not sure about being fat myself anymore, and am losing weight for medical reasons, I still think fat guys are hot as hell.
6 years

What should i do about being fat.

Do what’s right for you. With most of the western world being overweight it shouldn’t be anything to judge someone over.

There’s a lot of fat-shaming in the media but it they don’t have as much clout as it seems. If you like being fat, go for it! smiley

I’ve had to take off weight for medical reasons but if I had my choice I’d be a hell of a lot fatter regardless of what anyone says or thinks.
6 years

Scared of actually getting fat.

While I was getting fat I was of two minds:
1. It was a real turn on;
2. I really didn’t like how I looked.

I realize now that I was worried what other people thought. I got over that and really loved being fat. I’ve had to take some off due to my pain doctor (lumbar surgery) harassing me about my belly affecting my back. I have a little more to take off but I can and will still proudly rock a belly.

For the most part other people’s opinions don’t matter.
6 years

Everybody's measurements?

Height 5’ 6”.
Weight 218, was almost 230 (doc harassed me into losing).
Chest 48”.
Belly @ navel 44”, was up to 50”. I miss my belly.
Waist 42”.
Thigh 25”.
Biceps 16.8” cold flexed.
Neck 18”.
6 years