Ladies only this thread!

*waves penis*
Oh wait, girls only?
14 years

Who doesn't wet your whistle

haha, I don't have to worry about girls using me for sex... They don't get nothing till I know the relationship will last and shes right for me and blah de da. Only had sex with one girl and that was after like 6 to 8 months... After that though she pretty much got it a loooot to make up for it. <3 She was a trooper

But uh, hmmm...
I'd say one of my biggest turns offs is unclassy photos, ridiculously religious girls and girls who expect the guy to do all the work when forming a relationship. I don't chase after girls, sorry.
15 years

Who doesn't wet your whistle

I should become the ultimate troll using the information here
15 years

Who doesn't wet your whistle

I haven't looked, but if my name is mention I know my work here is done haaha
15 years