Fancy helping out on the site? new moderators needed!

The Donut King:
Still need mods? I'd be down.

Thank you for offering to help moderate the site. We do now have a full mod team, but can certainly keep you in mind for the future.

2 years

Looking for modeling work....

You can actually earn commission from the content you post here to the site. If you're interested in an earnings account take a look at the info here:
2 years

Change the chat highlight color

Hi Munchies,

I can see what you mean, the yellow highlight and the grey text does make it a little difficult to see users information.

I will get this added to the chat improvements list. We tend to go round and update the site section by section. So the next time the chat is due for an update we can certainly look into this and improve this particular feature.

Thanks for ringing this to our attention.

FF Team
2 years

Message feature in notifications

The deletion of an account along with messages and content is a different function from the block feature. So while I do appreciate what you are saying in regards to receiving harassing messages and protection of members, the site functionality is different for both the block feature and the removal of account data from deleted accounts.

The block feature is something we are looking to improve, and is on our list of things to do. Currently, blocked members can not message you, like content, or interact with you via communication methods on the site. So you should not be able to be contacted by a member you have blocked to stop harassment. However they can still see your content, and this is what we will look into updating when we next work on the profiles section of the site.

In regards to a 24hour limit on messages, that may be a possibility, it is something I can certainly suggest to hiccupx. l'm not sure of the particulars of how that could be coded or implemented to the site, or if it is possible how long it would take to add that as a feature. But leave it with me and I will ensure to raise it with hiccupx for consideration.

Hope that helps.

2 years