For women, femme, and non-binary/gnc friends: what would a safe fa space look like to you?

I'd also love to question the more... aggressive, opinions but since this is a hypothetical question about an ideal world, i guess it's not the place to do that.

Enas, with peace and love, but you are missing the forrest for the trees.

Remember our conversation over the weekend?

Wich one do you mean?
1 year

For women, femme, and non-binary/gnc friends: what would a safe fa space look like to you?

I'd also love to question the more... aggressive, opinions but since this is a hypothetical question about an ideal world, i guess it's not the place to do that.
1 year

For women, femme, and non-binary/gnc friends: what would a safe fa space look like to you?

As someone who knows a bit about programming, (just to add a bit to the conversation) there have to be some serious tradeoff. For example if that hypothetical place is built in a way that is really hard to start the conversation, but then much much easier to contuine, the effortless attempts will be cut off because they're simply not worth it.
Realistically speaking, that's the only way this could work out! It does sound like it's counterintuitive, since it's something to serve a community but these bad behaviors only happen because they're low cost, high reward ones.
1 year

Fattening boyfriend

I kinda need ideas to make him gain more. He doesn't have too much soda lately or so many snacks he used to πŸ˜’

Be patient. He hasn't been gaining long. He does need time to acclimate to his weight gain.

Also, does he still want to gain, or is he just content to exist?

Well, when we talked he told me that he's just to lazy to restrict himself from certain foods and he is aware this would make him gain. So basically, from this discussion I think he doesn't (and didn't) want to gain but at the same time he doesn't mind gaining.

On the other hand, whe he ckecked the scale and he saw the same weight he had last time, he went to eat. He has dessert cooked by his mom and he asked me to cook him another one. He is eating bigger portions or he has seconds. I'm sure he is aware that this behaviour will make him gain and I don't think this is just about "being too lazy". Idk, there are some mixed signals so I can't tell if he wants to gain or not

Like I said. Be patient. Did you forget that originally he didn't want to gain weight and mostly started because he knew you loved it? He's relaxed about his eating habits, but that doesn't mean he has fulled accepted the fat lifestyle.

And that's ok. Let him figure out what he wants and support/love him through it. Another user said to love him as he is. This is good advice. He is your boyfriend first and your feedee second. For now, don't worry too much about his weight.

I love him as he is...I love him a lot, I just get too excited thinking of how he would look in the future. But I love him as he is now and I'm enjoying his body really much

I get it. I do. When I'm in feeder mode with my feedee, I want to fatten him up as much as I can as fast as I can. (I'm a sadist domme feeder who loves her men *big*.) But I give myself regular reality checks so I don't loose myself too much.

Im jealous... o.0

Btw i still need q few tips from you Munchies! XD
1 year

Trans gaining and breast growth?

Thank you for all for sharing your knowledge! And good luck Danerys for growing your breasts!
1 year

Trans gaining and breast growth?

im curious, going up cup sizes and what not, im at about 266lbs and a d cup currently. if i chose to start gaining, do the breasts balance out with body size?

Excuse me for my curiosity, i just thought about this and it really feels like a puzle to me right now. There are a few things i don't know, mostly, do Male to Female trans people get breasts transplanted? (stupid question, but!)
If yes then the DNA that they carry, propably determines, alongside with other factors such as diet, their growth.
If what i said above is also stupid, (and they don't get transplanted breasts) then things are more interesting, for example your biological sex is determined by the genes, (i forgot how exactly this goes) but at some point the first effect are hormones. So what about breasts? What are the genes for that? It makes sense in a way for them to be from your biological father, but on the other hand it also makes sence as munchies said, in a different way that, that they might look like the women's of your family. I don't know, maybe I'm overthinkimg, propably because i dont know stuff but i just thought it's an interesting, uuhmmm, problem to solve! I hope this doesn't feel offensive in anyway to you, im curious about that topic πŸ˜‚

Or maybe I'm completely wrong and it has to do with hormones you take / took on your transition?
1 year


Munchies and Junkie explain it very well! To give an other point of view, i kind of consider myself to be a death feedee. But what exactly are my fantasies? Well, i dont wanna die! That's for sure! But i wanna get really fat! Too fat to live. Death is a cost but because it's in the way, it also emphasizes how eager i am to fatten up. And to what extend. Being pushed into something I don't want is, in this very case, something that turns me on. Because it emphasizes how out of control i am. So my favorite fantasy is to be fattened up to death, without consent, by a strong feeder girl who will apsolutely dominate me. I don't know if i want her, to want to kill me, or just fatten me up to that extent, but in the fantasy i want to be helpless, and being pushed into such extreme fatness that i die. But to be celar, again, i dont want to die i only want to get sooo fat!
What are the ethics behind that?
What are ethics in the first place?
Lucky me has studied it in highschool's phylosophy! πŸ˜‚
So, a thing is ethically right when it makes more good than bad. So is killing a person good or bad? Well if you know everything in advance you can decide pretty easily! Keep that in mind.
So back to my fantasy and a hypothetical experiment. If me and my feeder girl consent in advance that we're gonna live our fantasy 24/7, and there will be a safeword to stop, what will happen? I want to be forced to be extremely addicted to her. And she'll know that. She can abuse it so that i won't ever say the safeword. But that's something that i want! So, is it okay?
Well... I dont know. It does interfere with communication wich is apsolutely vital in this kind of things. But in the other hand, it's exactly what i crave, because it means that she could fatten me up in a more dominant way.
The importand thing here, is that I'm safe. If she does all of this rationally and she somehow knows that it's what i want, then yeah. It's propably ethical with me. But it's almost impossible for her to know that, since it'll require the fantasy to stop. And that's the point. As an unexperienced feedee, it turns me on more to be in a dangerous situation. That's speaking trouble most likely. What's far more realistic tho is that this stays a fantasy!
Back at the ethical part. Is it okay for someone to do that to me? If I want it trully, then yes. But what I want changes. What happens if i stop wanting it? It'll be a nightmare! Then that means it whould be unethical. But what if that person manipulates me in a way that'll keep me wanting it? Is this ethical, does it do more good than harm? Well, i think it does. So long as I'm going to apsolutely enjoy it in every point of the way, And most importantly im trully okay with what's happening, at the start of it, (because after that my feeder could theoretically make sure to keep it that way, artificially, something im also gonna have to be rationally okay with at the beginning) then, i guess it's ethical!
But that's not to encourage death feederism! It might be ironic but i don't think it's a good idea in general!
Im just saying the above to show how hard it is to have that type of feeder, or be one. Remember the feeder is also a human being and may be carried away from their fetish, corrupted, or they could be acting nice until the feedee has no way out of this. These things happen. Way more often than they don't. This is why it's dangerous.
Other than that i dont even gain at all, because i prefer irl than a fetish right now. But with the right girl? Yes, I'd go all in!
Does that clear things more than it makes a mess btw? πŸ˜‚
1 year

Speeding up gaining?

We're studying anatomy right now at college! XD
Also in addition to being fattened up, I'd love to be weakened too, mostly from muscle atrophy.
1 year

Fantsyes about men not being able your owne penis and balls.

It's one of my favorite fantasies, because if paired with an extreme addiction to masturbating and a dom feeder who whould manipulate that, it whould make me utterly dependent in a positive feedback loop, effectively trapping me into gaining more and more, to be rewarded!
1 year

Discord server

Are any of y’all on Feabie? I heard there was a link going around for a Discord server for folks to hang out on. I got a temporary ban for criticizing how the admins run things. Does anyone have it?

I was perma-banned for exercising free speech! What do you mean? πŸ˜‚
Apparently, if you think that fat is in any way unhealthy, or if you're a doctor, you're Fatphobic!!
1 year