Fat could be... contagious?

Oh I just actually looked at the link, I remember watching that one ages ago, don't really remember what it said though!

I was talking about this, which was interesting and so funny

12 years

Right now!!

Currently writing an end of year essay on stoicism and suicide, looking up a book which er, led me here...
12 years

Fat could be... contagious?

Oh I think I watched this a while ago, is it the one with the hilarious Bollywood style clips in it? It's definitely worth watching for that alone!

Was an interesting documentary and theory, I really enjoyed it.

I've no idea how true it actually is but the studies and results were certainly food for thought smiley
12 years



some of the stuff on here looks amazing, the rest is just hilarious
12 years

Events/meet-ups photo gallery!

shazzy wrote:
YAY not one of me!!!!

I shall make sure to take plenty next time smiley
12 years

Feederism in the mainstream

I don't really like seeing it in the media because most of the time it's negative, and I don't believe misinforming people about feederism is any better than them not knowing about it. A lot of people don't think for themselves and believe what they are told. It's hard enough to proclaim and defend your love/pride of your fat body with all of the prejudice regarding fat, let alone go into feederism.

From what I've seen, only extreme cases are shown in the media, and the writer tends to imply that the feedee has either been manipulated, is deluded or is mentally ill ("reverse anorexia"]. Another type of article I've seen are from non-feedee women who talk about their exs fattening them up, which implies that all feeding is a type of abuse, ignoring consensual feeding.

I'd love to read something that is positive, and from a feedees perspective. I think I've only read one article like this, and for the first time I was very happy to see it in the media!
12 years

Diet soda: myth or legend

Even though I prefer the taste, I tend to avoid diet coke (don't have much experience with other diet sodas) because it really does seem to make me so painfully hungry!

When I was at school I didn't eat during the day at all, once I got to sixth form I started buying diet coke at lunch time from the shop down the road, and within an hour or so I'ld feel my stomach growling. It was the first time in years that I really suffered from physical hunger!

I drink it now if I'm at home/somewhere where food is available, and it seems to be ok if I'm drinking it with spirits on a night out. I don't drink it when I'm out during the day, at uni or at work though because it still has the same effects, I've made the mistake before and by the end of a work day my stomach feels like it's eating itself!
12 years

Skinny feeders and food issues

I know this question is directed to feeders but I think that my experience as a feedee may also be relevant smiley

I think some people just have an obsession with weight, and from this an eating disorder or a sexual fetish can develop.

I've been both ways, but I don't believe that my fat fetish was born from my eating disorder. Rather, I believe that they both originate from an obsession with weight which I've had since I was a child (which was originally fat positive). They are two different reflections of my fat fascination which were determined through life experiences and social environment. I sometimes think that my eating disorder was not only a deprivation of food but also of sexuality.

In a way I'm not surprised by the number of people I see on here who have/had an eating disorder, but ofcourse the majority of people on here have and always have had a healthy relationship with food and so only have the fat obsession through the fetish, which is definitely the best way to be smiley
12 years