Feeder trainer fantasy

Oh this scenario is hot hehe and more fun ;-) then only gaining i think as it can be interesting to see what you ahve to struggle more to get in shape than before beeing slimmer and fitter ^^

i would so love to do this with a girl and maybe she with me ^^ although i can´t promise that a sweet girl persuading me to get chubby if i woul have the willpower to get in shape ;-)

but would be very interesting to find out about me and seeing the sweet lady jiggling herself into a fitter girl ^^
10 years

Adult nursing relationship

Oh i would love to see what this nursing is all about i don´t tend to let myself command arround to much i guess as i am a little rebblious sometimes ^^

but i never can resist cute sweet temptation or sweet behavior i guess that´s my weak spot :-)

and i feel this nursing could be very addictive and arousing ....^^
10 years

Got a green light!

oh yes this is hot ;-) hehe i would love to experience that , to and see if she tries to get me even chubbier when i tend to say wow! man i got really chubby i should try to get in shape a bit ....

and it´s really very hot to imagine your gf gaining a few, to :_)

hehe teasing each other would be a major turn on for me at least don´t know how you all think about that ;-)
( i know there is a topic for that but only so few say something ;-( )

have a nice day everyone^^
10 years

Dropping the ball on teasing.

oh teasing is like my fuel for foreplay or flirting i need teasing to have nice playful realationship and it shows me if a girl has humor and maybe even sare some other likings , too ^^

it´s even a way to show to others how far you can go with your partner and still feel comfortable and see that every other person would have no chance to get between those two loving teasing ppl^^.

So i guess finding such a girl i would never feel so jealous about her talking to other men since i would knew we have something special we share on a level no other one can reach so easily .....

it´s just hot and very intimate ^^
10 years

Adult nursing relationship

hmmm i never thought about that clearly but i would try to do that with a girl and maybe one sideeffect would be getting a litle chubbier don´t know how much calories a womens milk has ? ;-)

and i love touching and sucking breast i guess ^^ like every man :-)
10 years

Feedees: want "evil feeder"?

[quote]bungielover007 wrote:
[quote]Vintage Smut wrote:
[quote]markpearson89 wrote:
My evil feeder fantasy involve an attractive woman feeder who progresses from a loving effectionate hostess to an emotional munipulator and finally (as i'm approaching immobility) a forcefull dominatrix. The kind of woman who feeds you just a few more bites at the end of a somewhat large meal where you've already eaten all you can. Just enough to strech your stomach that tiny amout it takes to increase your appetite a little each time. Using "it's not enough to put away and we can't waste it, so eat up." as a cover, but she always makes a serving more you can realistically eat without a little push. Then as you notice your getting a little heavier and become reluctant, she pays the emotional card like, "but you love my cooking...I made it just for you..." with a pout, then a kiss on the cheek after you cave in and eat." Then finally as you're approaching obesity and maybe even considering leaving to save whats left of your social life, she becomes more forcefull in her approach. Seducing you into rediculous binges, rewarding you with sexual favors for completing your meals, late night and early morning suprize force feedings for insubordination. Along with a smug attitude because she knows no matter what your objections are you'll always be to full and tired and as soon as your not you'll crave the food and sex. Occasionally she'll deprive her victim, and they'll beg for it.

Oh my i would so love to play that game first maybe a little with the girl as i would love the idea of me trying to be the feeder first just a bit and then fall for her totally and forget about my wish to fatten her up a bit .

Only to realize after a while i am the one getting quite chubby but when trying to gain back control i realize now she has total control over my desires now and knows exactly how to play with me to get wwhat she want´s ;-) no 24 h but in some nice sort of roleplays that are a little more longterm ^^

Oh this setup is so hot!!!

SO ladies where are you ;-)
10 years

Size perception/random ?'s

Oh well i really can hardly tell about my clothes nad perception when buying cause i really go rarely shopping .....

Although with a girl that could be sexy to do now haha and see how my perception really is when i tell her to bring me a 34 levi´s ^^

But i do get a lot of comments on one site where i always tease the chubby ppl and now i get some rare comments about that i´m not so slim myself anymore well maybe i tend to think i´m fitter than i am ;-)
10 years

Coke bloat.

Oh hi good morning :-)

There are ppl who took mentos with it
so i guess the mentos take out the co2 of the coke or multiplies it but really wouldn´t suggest on doing it !

I never tried it and before you try i would read something about it .....

I was curious about that to see hwo my belly looks like after but i never dared it haha ....

I would just try to eat lots a nd lots of food or drink milkshakes ....
10 years

Stuffing: favorite feeling?

Yes exactly that !

The full belly felling and the feeling whow you can´t mve cause you are to heavy and full and maybe at the mercy of some sweet evil girl ^^

even the little shame if you look in the mirror admiring your body but realizing whew you really got a bit chubby or
at some point ....whow is nice

*poke* jiggle* I´m getting really really chubby now ......
10 years

Waist to hip ratio

belly 112 hip 106 cm

i guess that´s not fit anymore ?

please tell em it´s still fit summer is coming :o
10 years