Where my thighs rub always wears out the quickest on panty hose, jeans or leggings.
2 years
If you embark on the gaining journey you have to be willing to commit to it.
Don't be surprised if it takes years to get where you want to be weight wise.
There is no magic pill or food to make you gain quickly so I would suggest enjoy eating what you love just more of it at each meal.
Don't try to rush your metabolism let it respond on its own time.
Eat more at each meal and you will gain weight.
2 years
As you walk and your fat belly goes one way and your fat butt goes the other way and your thighs rub thats definitely a waddle.
2 years
Kind of depends on how fat your thighs are.
2 years
When she says she is stuffed and how good the food was she sounds like she is fishing around to see how you react.
Women always have a plan and nothing is ever by accident thats just how we are LOLOL.
Oh she has caught on, maybe you need to tell her.
Relationships are always better when you both are on the same page so to speak.
2 years
Cute belly.
A pic of it peeking out of a too small t shirt would be nice.
2 years
Not sure where this idea comes from but you don't get to pick where the fat goes as you gain weight.
Most of my weight when I first decided to gain went to my thighs,butt and hips very little to the belly.
Actually it took me several years to see much in the belly so genetics has everything to do with it.
If you want to gain just make your portions larger at meal time.
My belly didn't appear until a few years later.
It was a high beach ball/beer belly and I wasn't real happy about that.
I lost a bunch of weight to have ankle surgery and when I regained the weight it all went to my belly but it wasn't a beer belly.
It was super squishy and flabby.
Thats the belly I wanted so badly.
2 years
Loving the eye candy LOLOL
2 years
You have a great belly already so happy gaining.
2 years
Speaking of not liking your body I was the same way.
My boobs were the only way to tell if I was a girl or not because I was so skinny.
I hated not having any curves as I went thru school.
Same feeling just a different part of the body.
Loving yourself is a much better place to be.
2 years