
I had BBQ just yesterday! On rolls with slaw, from a road side food truck.
They smell it alone must have added a few extra pounds. smiley
5 years

Fat men in speedos

Yes, but they leave little to the imagination. They show our state of arousal, and put it on display fot all to see...
5 years

First time with heavy cream

All we have is heavy whipping cream and whipping cream. Heavy whipping cream is hard to drink after blending it. Would whipping cream work just as good?

I think they're the same thing, unless you're talking about whipped cream. You could try thinning the heavy cream with milk or half&half. Or just drink half&half instead.

This is what my store has:


I�ve been using whipped cream cause it mixes well with Maltodextrin and chocolate syrup in a blender. If I use heavy whipped cream, the mix is way too thick for me to take down. Plus my stomach acts up all day.

Get you some Lactase "Dairy Relief",
Just follow instructions on bottle.
This worked for me.
5 years


i love to cook for friends and men. bbq is my faverite and when men want to get fat i use more fatty meant. any very fattning bbq recipes? id love too add more.

I love bbq with slaw!

Has to be the kind with mayo! 😍

Yes, yes it does, the better to fatten with. I would love to find out how many I could consume. I wish I could try yours.
5 years

Dip using hc and yogurt?

I just heard, where you could make a dip out of these two. But I did not catch the details. Something about mixing the two and letting it rest and chill in the fridge.

Has anyone tried this or something close? Sounds like a different way to enjoy cream and the after effects.
5 years


i love to cook for friends and men. bbq is my faverite and when men want to get fat i use more fatty meant. any very fattning bbq recipes? id love too add more.

I love bbq with slaw!
5 years

Male gainers: thoughts on wearing bras?

I wear a bra about half the time. Although not usually while at work. I dont know that it's necessary but given my chubby fem figure I'm developing, I enjoy it.

I think it does give one confidence, and who does not enjoy a gental hug all day?
5 years

People noticing

"I've started buying XXL joggers, I do a physical job but my lower body is thicker so this helps me look less huge as I'm wearing fitting clothing."

What are 2XL joggers? I have seen posts where others have recommended bras for moobs.
5 years

First time with heavy cream

I finally added chocolate syrup to mine and holy cow does it improve the taste! Definitely adding it to all my daily pints!

I love it with chcolate syrup, plus it ups the calories. smiley
5 years

First time with heavy cream

My chocolate shakes involved a quarter to half a box when I was trying to gain a long while ago. I'd be happy to share if anyone is interested.

I'm always interested in Fat!
5 years