Recommended liquid

Nothing is going to come close to adding oil. That's the secret of most bodybuilder's shakes and why they're over 2,000 cal a shake. They add olive, macadamia or avacado oil.

It's like effortlessly drinking fried food lol.

Could you elaborate on this? Would think straight oil would taste disagreeable, not to mention it'd be very easy to go overboard and possible digestion problems. Someone earlier mentioned diarrhea.

Otherwise, the idea of basically drinking fried food really quick, there's something exciting and appealing about that.
2 years

About how long for the body to get used to processing and digesting more calories?

I have noticed that I've finally been able to do something that until recently, I wasn't previously able to do.

For every day this past week, I've finally be able to average about 3,500-4,000 calories a day. As an estimate, I believe that's eating like a 300 lb. man. I think I might end up breaking this streak today, but we'll see. I should however be able to at least eat 2,500 which should mean no weight loss.

The key thing most of all I know, is consistency.

Previously, if I had a 4,000-4,500 calorie day, it felt like I was stuffed and then I may eat almost nothing the next day, which was really messing up my weight gain goals, so I tried to take it easier for more consistency.

But somehow, it's almost as if something snapped and clicked. I don't know if I've feel as truly satisfied as I did this past week. I want and suspect I will eventually need to eat like this all the time. It's my hope that I can continue this on for most weeks.

I wonder if at some point, I might be able to have a week with an average of 5,000 calorie days?

I'm trying to prepare and train for my "1+ million calories in a year" challenge for the year 2022. While I expect it to be challenging sometimes, I also expect it will be doable. With any luck, every year after that will be 1+ million calories a year, without even thinking about it. To put it another way, it'd be an average of at least 2,750 calories a day. More on it here:
2 years

Feeding while pleasured

Man, if I had a lady who'd do that, I have no doubt I would blow up until I'm so huge, and I'd love every minute of it!

Only thing that could possibly make it even better if it's her own cooking and baking.
2 years

Those who have gained weight on purpose...

...are you happier now than before you gained? Why? Or why not?

Absolutely and without a doubt. Not that big yet as of this writing, but this takes time. Let's see...

The mass and extra size feels nice, and as I continue to gain weight I expect more built-in softness. I don't feel as fragile as perhaps I once did.

I actually enjoy food now, and not just because the more calories, fat, sugar, carbs, and protein food has, the better it tastes though this helps. I only get disappointed when I get full sooner than I'd like, but as I gain more I expect to be able to eat more. It's a daily joy I didn't have before.

It seems like I get more respect in general, and I have better confidence. At least in the US, there's virtually no social upside whatsoever for a man to be rail skinny.

I get more attention from women than I did before, especially women who are overweight and obese. At least in any area I've lived in, it's pretty rare for me to see a couple with a fat woman but the man isn't. He's nearly always large too. There's definitely a distinct preference. I'm not just gaining to get more attention from fat women, but it definitely helps.

I thus expect it'll be easier to date fat women, the heavier I get.

There's downsides, but most of them don't matter.

Sure, there's some tasks that are a lot harder now, but it's not like I ever really cared about them much in the first place. Jogging several miles? Never got into that. It's also not a bicycle friendly area but I'm not big on that either.

Of the very, very few jobs (virtually none) that have a legitimate, bonafide weight requirement, it's not likely I'd ever do any of them. Even some ladders can support a lot of weight. I've heard cell phone tower technicians used to have a maximum weight of 250 lbs because of safety equipment limits, but presumably that's been increased by now.

At a certain point there might expect severe health or mobility problems, but I don't expect to get that big, and a lot of it is due to genetics too I think. I also don't expect to ever get quite that big, though that point is likely 400+ lbs at average height. I will never get to a point where I can't function independently, assuming access to the various tools and apparatus typical in any developed country.

Some might start saying I'm gross or whatever, but odds are they're gross, fat-phobic types that I wouldn't like anyway, so I'm not losing anything. Or she might be obsessed with aerobic fitness and hate hedonism.

If I somehow do come across a thinner woman I find appealing, I expect she'd be open to a fat man anyway. Perhaps curiously enough, most size contrast couples I've seen are where the man is much larger.

And I guess another downside, is that I have a tendency to think about food more often, and those food ads are much more tempting than they used to be. But that's actually not really a downside at all.
2 years

Less common foods for weight gain

For the calorie density, you'd think you'd hear more about the various other nut butters (besides just peanut butter which is the most common) than you do.

Nutella is also a classic. Some folks will just scoop that up like yogurt, with a spoon. A small jar will contain around 2,000 calories too.

Coconut oil is also very calorie dense as is olive oil and other cooking oils, but of course are not to be consumed straight, instead used for cooking.

Ribeye steak also seems to be quite calorie dense even relative to various other cuts of beef, but the cost per pound is high. I've never actually had it before, due to it's very high relative cost.
2 years

Watch me eat

Your profile does mention Bellevue, Washington so that's why I had to ask. May want to update that to Rockford, or even Chicago since it's sort of nearby. Might get more relevant interest that way. Just a thought.
2 years

Watch me eat

From Illinois meaning you were born and raised there, yet you no longer live there, right?
2 years


You haven't found the cream to be very filling and negatively impacting your appetite? That's something I've noticed if I have a lot of cream at once.
2 years

5000 calories a day for 6 weeks - didn't gain a single pound

Yeah, maybe I'm "saturated" somehow.

On another site someone suggested adding maltodextrin to my heavy cream shake, since my shake is so high in fats.

Really makes me wonder if that someone actually tried it.

Once I tried mixing in maltodextrin powder.. whether it's pure maltodextrin or is mostly it (like a lot of weight gain powders are), it seems to clump up SO bad when mixed with dairy fat. Forget about ever being able to drink it. I had to throw out the mix.

So unless there's some trick to it that I don't know, I can't imagine that working out very well.
2 years