How fat would you like to be?

I want to get really huge myself. So big that all I can do is sit around and eat while I play video games all day. So I think overall, I would like to be at least 400 lbs. I'm short so I'm pretty sure i'll look really huge at 400. smiley (I'm only 5 feet...) I have a wonderful girlfriend who means the world to me, and I'm sure she'll take care of me if I ever got that big. smiley
9 years

How young did you realize?

For me it was when I watched the episode of Rugrats where Chuckie got to see how the world would be without him. Angelica was very fat from eating cookies, and I remember feeling a bit funny when I seen how fat she was. xD I used to stuff pillows in my shirt and pretend I was fat when I was probably around 10 or so. I didn't intentionally started to gain until I was around 20 when I first found FF, and ever since I knew I had a fat fetish. Now I have a beautiful girl who's almost 300 lbs and I'm fattening myself up too. smiley
9 years

Taste of heavy whipped cream

I've found the solution! Mix it with chocolate milk! Works wonders

It really does! I know from experience. xD I love HWC, it's so addicting too! smiley
9 years

Large (lol) gamer population?

I'm a gamer and techie myself. xD (I'm actually a Tech Member over at Sonic Retro btw. xD) I love retro gaming the most, but I have a Wii U and a PS4 for modern games too. My favorite hobby of mine is ROM hacking, and I love to hack the Sega Master System Sonic games. xD
9 years

2016 weight gain goals

Well for my first goal of 2016, I want to get to 200. Once I reach this first goal, I think my next goal will be 210. But I may even be at 200 right now, but I'm not sure yet since I currently don't have a scale but I'm getting one tomorrow so we'll see. smiley Overall though I think I want to at least gain 50 lbs. before 2017 rolls around.
9 years

Active gainers vs watching someone gain

I love watching women gain and I'm currently now an active gainer myself. It's really encouraging to see others gaining weight, and it really drives me into wanting to gain and be as big as they are, or even bigger! So both for me! xD
9 years

Weight gain since being a member ff

Oh yes I've definitely gained a bit since I first joined about 7 years ago! I wish I kept going with my weight gain though... I'd probably be as big as my girlfriend or even bigger! But recently I've been wanting to gain again, so here I am again getting fatter. xD I think I was roughly around 150 or so when I first joined, and the last time I weighed myself I was roughly around 170 or so. But that's been years and I don't currently have a scale. smiley But I'm getting one tomorrow and I'm excited to see how much I've gained since then! smiley
9 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I've recently have been wanting to gain weight and get so fat. So on Thursday, I bought a pint of Heavy Whipping Cream and a bottle of chocolate refuel. Well I ended up drinking all of that on Friday, so yesterday I bought a quart of cream and a half gallon of chocolate whole milk. I've drank at least 6 or 7 16 oz. cups of chocolate milk and cream shakes within the past three days and my god it's really working well! I love the results I've gotten so far, and I can't wait to see how much fatter I get by drinking these shakes. I'm taking a break from drinking one today, I mean I took a few sips of one shake about an hour ago but I want to leave the rest for tomorrow when I go out and get some weight gain powder and a scale. smiley I'm not sure how much I weighed before drinking this delicious fattening shake, but I'm excited to see how much I weigh by tomorrow. In about an hour or so I'll be eating either a triple cheeseburger from Wendy's or a Double Quarter Pounder with cheese from McDonalds. I'm sure I'll be pretty huge within a few months if I continue to drink these shakes. smiley
9 years

Video games

I've been playing through Mega Man Legends 2 and Sonic 3. Just got my fourth Sega Genesis so i'm happy. xD It's a later Model 1, so that means I now have 2 model 1s and 2 model 2s. smiley
12 years

Introduction/ say hello, thread

^ Welcome babe. smiley Yep that's my girlfriend. xD Enjoy your stay. <3
14 years