I'm being totally uncool....

Gingersnaps wrote:

People contributing to the "what are you listening to" thread aren't actually into the music they claim to like. They're just parading their intellectual vanity.

Lol I don't think Gary was when he said Abba and Lady Gaga. He was being deliberately sporting.

So is the question, does anyone listen to any cool current stuff that is suitable for middle aged people? Or is it asking if it's ok not to care and to stick with what you like?

I'd like to think I'm not bothered about seeming cool in my musical choices but I must admit I skip the iplayer onwards if someone comes in when the sad goth stuff in my collection is playing. All About Eve and The Bolshoi are guilty pleasures I don't need people to know about. They're about as un-current and uncool as you can get.
12 years

I'm being totally uncool....

Softly wrote:
Is anybody listening to music that I actually know or have heard of? Is it really uncool to like the current sounds? Going through the other thread, apart from a few bands from the 80's I'm feeling like a granny!

Right......I'm listening to Ed Shearer at the moment..but it might be a bit of Coldplay in the car ( yes, launch the insults....smiley)

Is it uncool to say I don't understand the question?!

I don't know if I'm listening to something you've heard of. Depends if you've heard of Arthur Argent I guess.

It's not really uncool to like the current sounds (as long as you're listening to cool current sounds).

Erm. What?
12 years

Fake facebook profiles

Gingersnaps wrote:

YOU hush smiley
12 years

Fake facebook profiles

Murphy wrote:

Since this is an issue that has never been brought up before by anyone on the internet ever.

Lol. Yeah well I take your point. But some people are... new... or something...
12 years

Fake facebook profiles

Oh look, another well-meaning thread derided by the self-appointed arbiter of what it's ok to post or not post in here. I do wonder why certain people feel the need to be so mean all the time? Just count the seconds before I get slagged for saying so by one of his faithful acolytes.
12 years

Not doing anything

I realise that is totally unconstructive, sorry. Ha.
12 years

Not doing anything

Oh Julesy.

Firstly, I can tell from the way you describe it that you kinda really like getting bigger...

I think I recognise how you feel though. It's a tug-of-war* between loving getting fatter/being a bit scared of how fat you're getting/being embarrassed that other people notice/loving that people notice/being a bit turned on by it/being a bit disgusted with yourself & ashamed by it... and to add another confusing layer, you didn't even mean to put on weight, it just sorta happened... or did it? It's not like you didn't know what would happen if you put that cake (or, let's be honest, a dozen cakes) in your mouth, is it? But it tasted so goooood...

If so, it's just like how I feel. So two things: 1. you're not alone, but 2. I don't have a solution! Mwahaha! Just enjoy it. For me, half the enjoyment comes from the delicious conflict anyway. Yay for conflict, it makes everything so much more multi-faceted.

PS. can you still squeeze into the red trousers or not?

* first time I typed that, I put "tub-of-war"...
12 years

Why is overeating so arousing?

One of the factors for me is that a full tummy makes me arch my back more. I think that's a classic erotic pose (think of all those cliched models on the bonnets of sports cars - always the arched back). Plus obviously it does have the *ahem* physiological effect of pressing certain bits of your ladygarden into the chair, er, differently. Lol.

Oh and being stuffed makes me look fatter. And fatter is better, right? Right.
12 years

Losing weight to gain

r0sebud wrote:
hey guys,
i've been thinking about the whole gaining thing, and i'd really love to lose a lot of weight, and then slowly put it back on again, and watch my body change back to how it was.
what's everyones thoughts on this?

I've considered this before and it's a great idea if you enjoy gaining but don't necessarily want to end up fatter than you started.

There's nothing sexy about losing (imho) but a lot sexy about watching yourself expand and the numbers go up. I don't want to do so with abandon because I'm already as big as I want to be (for lifestyle reasons, not necessarily aesthetic ones), so losing then gaining has its appeal.

Only snag... I'm rubbish at dieting smiley haha

PS just as a disclaimer there's probably going to be damage done to your metabolism by yo-yo-ing, plus your re-gain might not look the same - I imagine more sag/flab than pneumatic curves the second time around. Your skin has to expand & contract, which depend on your age/genetic elasticity, might not work out brilliantly. But like, whatevs.
12 years