60lbs in a year?

i have fattened up several partners, and 50-60 lbs is an easy target... 100 lbs is more challenging, but still possible, and i have achieved this as well. to gain that much you really have to put in the effort and be dedicated...and a feeder helps too!
6 years

Preferred areas of fat in a male

Kinda feel like I'm in the minority sometimes, but chest all the way.

i love moobs on a fat guy, too! the bigger the better!
6 years

How big are your man boobs?

you boys keep working on growing those big, sexy moobs... i want to see more d-cups and greater! smiley
6 years

How about fat chins?

i have always loved double chins, whether they onlt revealed themselves as certain angles, or jUst addes to the size of a rounding face...

one of my (very very minor) pet peeves is people taking selfies from above... i know they are just trying to make their faces appear slimmer, but i always feel the viewer is being cheated!

growing chins are a truly endearing aspect of fatness!
6 years

Fupa questions

fupas are very sexy on both guys and girls... loved reading these! and i would love to actually be with someone who could get themselves off using just their fupa - really interesting stuff!
6 years

Office fatboy

and how many did you eat, piggy?
6 years

Fat shaming

i love teasing and mocking my fat little piggies, especially as i continue to feed their greedy apetites... taunting them with how large they are growing, their lack of control...

i especially enjoy asking them to do things they've grown too fat to do: "can you get the bowl off the top shelf for me? what do you mean you can't reach? oh, has your belly grown too fat, you can't get close enough?"

the best is seeing my fattened pig squeeze into a restaurant booth and tease them about the roll of fat bulging over the table. smiley
6 years

What is the best way to get morbidly obese when parents are health freaks?

yes, moving out is the first step...

it helps if you can move in with a supportive person who wants to help you grow... smiley bring you food, feed it to you, ensure you are stuffed beyond your normal limits...
6 years

Fetish experience

good grief, you keep posdting the same crap. get over it!

if you think fat guys are hot - great! if you like fat women - great!

it sounds to me like you are fighting against your own desires. why??? don't worry about labela like "gay" just go out and seek what turns you on!
6 years

One year, max gain, let's gameplan

what an awesome wife you are, your guy is so lucky! what a fantastic surprise for him to come home to!

if you are into math and numbers than you should get an app to record your calorie intake and see what you can get that up to. if you can work up to 5000 calories a day you will be sure to put on some gorgeous poundage. at your height i think you need to get well into the 200s (250?) to look like the models you mentioned. but don't get hung up on the scale, concentrate on the calories!
6 years