Ever feeling disgusted about your kink?

In the beginning I was confused and conflicted about gaining. When I was aroused getting fat was the best thing in the world. After I cummed I felt "this getting fat thing is not for me".

But now even when I'm not aroused I love being fat and want to get fatter. I think once you get past worrying what others think, you realize there's nothing wrong about it.
7 years


I always liked fat guys, especially fat muscle bears and wanted to be one. Still do.
7 years

Choose wisely

1. Get to my goal instantly (260, at my height 5' 6"smiley with my current wardrobe in sizes to match. Though I do like seeing my belly hang over my belt.

2. Stay healthy and fit at that weight.

3. Always hungry and being able to stay fat or even get fatter.
7 years

Your kinkiest fantasy

Something I always fantasize about Is
some day I would love to get so turned on while eating that I spontaneously 💦💦💦 Really! It's a fantasy of mine to have to get up with a hot slimy mess in my👖
7 years

Making a 3d model of your body!

That's fun. smiley I'm not ashamed to say I got a boner when I saw how I would look that fat. smiley
7 years

What have contributed the most to your weight

Inactivity and food. I haven't worked out in a long time, and I like to eat.
7 years

Struggling to gain

Gainer shakes with whole milk, peanut butter, heavy cream, banana, ice cream (even the cheap stuff will do).

Pasta, ramen noodles, rice, potatoes, bagels, and other cheap starches.
7 years

Excuses for overeating

"Wasting food is a sin".
7 years

Anyone have trouble stopping or slowing down?

I freely admit that I think about dropping the weight. Mostly because I'm tired of hearing my pain specialist (lumbar fusion almost 2 years ago, still hurtin' ) point to my belly and say "that's not helping". Grrrr....

But I love seeing myself outgrow my clothes, seeing that short fat man in the mirror, and walk around proudly rocking my growing belly. I finally started getting a little bit of a jiggle. smiley

Oddly, my regular doctor doesn't say anything about my weight; my blood work, blood pressure and everything are perfect. If they weren't that would be the only real reason I'd lose the weight.

I don't think I'd know how to diet anymore, anyway. I think I've reached the point of no return psychologically and physically. I just wish I was gaining faster.
7 years

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

Trousers no longer sit round my belly always slip so they sit under my growing belly

Just a side note, I can't believe how I've gotten to love that. If I can, I pull my belt one hole tighter. It pushes my belly fat up and over the belt. It's actually comfortable because my shirts stay tucked in. Once my pants find their "sweet spot" they stay there. So many benefits to being fat, dontchoo agree? smiley
7 years