Play to gain

Are you going to tell us what the game is, and how to play?
2 years

Buy a funnel tube

Thank you very much! If i wanna find it in hardware store which one should i try?

Any of the major chains should have funnels, PVC tubing, hose clamps, and valves. But it might be tricky to find a funnel with a tight fit for the tube. But like I said, given the cost you're likely better off just getting a premade beer bong.

I've never heard of a hardware store selling those put together. If you really don't want to use Amazon, there's other online sellers. If it must be in person, your best shot may be Spencer's (if you still have one) or a liquor store near a university (if you have one). Most liquor stores in general don't sell these.

As for what I said earlier about wireframe hangers, scratch that. A better idea would be punching 4 holes near the top edge of the funnel, in an X pattern (imagine if you were to cut a pizza into 4 slices). Then use string, twine, or fishing line to go through the holes. At the center of the X shape the string will make, should be able to support that with an S hook (that could fit on a clothing rack), or if it's possible, a ceiling hook. Although that elaborate support mechanism is most useful for self funneling. Another nice thing about the portable clothing rack, is that being portable, means it can be used in front of the computer, in the living room while sitting on the couch, and/or wherever else you want.

Whatever you do though, don't use the shower curtain bar in the bathroom unless certain. Those are usually flimsy and weak, and likely won't support the weight of this contraption, or the contents when filled.
2 years

"transgender" is not its own gender / rephrasing gender selection menu

A write-in would be difficult to search for, so that may not be the best idea? One might type in, for example "female to male" while another user could type "M2F," which is a lack of consistency. That's the only major problem I could think of with write in.

It would also be likely to difficult to code. I know some things about programming. To be entirely fair, I have not looked at similar code of the CMS used here, and even if I did, it's likely been modified heavily.

But, it's likely a trait where it's been coded for one selection in mind. "No gender" is likely NULL or 0, "female" would be 1, "male" could be 2, "transgender" could be 3, and so on.

Depending on how the data is stored, it may also be more difficult to transition this data field from one that expects a single selection to one that accepts multiple. This would also bring up the issue of converting the legacy data for the new format. While not impossible, even if accepted it would take more time to implement.

Given these constraints, one possible nearer term solution that would be likely to be far easier to code for, or in other words would mean it'd be more likely to implemented more quickly, would be to add a few more hardcoded options. For example, "trans M2F" which could be 5, and "trans F2M" which could be 6, and so on.

Another, potentially easier option might be to leave the current options as they are, but add an additional data field which could perhaps be a checkbox (select multiple if you want) or even write in. Perhaps this could include checkbox options such as "AFAB" or "AMAB."

Anyway, just wanted to come up with some possible solutions, including some potentially easier nearer term solutions which could mean faster implementation.
2 years

Gaining at 35

It should still be possible. Somewhat lower metabolism is one thing, though the biggest challenge seems to be actually eating. A little thing called work and other real life responsibilities can interfere with this. Hopefully your job makes it easy to snack, though I know not everyone is that fortunate.

I think the key is instead of focusing on stuffings all the time, to focus on small changes in habits to slowly increase the amount you eat and calories you consume. At least I tend to get burned out on stuffings and it seems a bit more like less pleasant work or an arduous chore. A 4K-5K+ calorie day doesn't help if the next day you end up eating almost nothing. But if you can consistently eat 500 more calories than you did before, every day? Progress may seem slow but it'll add up, and you should eventually be able to increase it from there after that, a week or two later.
2 years

Buy a funnel tube

Where i can buy a tube to force feed my girl?

From what I can tell, the most inexpensive and simple solution is a beer bong. They even include a valve switch which is important. The alternative is to go to the hardware store to try to construct one, but the retail cost of the parts will likely add up to more in the end. At least, if you order the beer bong from Amazon anyway, it's pretty low cost. It's what I seem to see the most often. Most of them advertise a capacity of 5 cans, which at 12 fl. oz would add up to 60 fl. oz. Don't know if there's extra buffer room for 64 fl. oz., or half a gallon.

I'm close to making a weird contraption that consists of a clothing rack (something you'd ordinarily hang clothes from if your closet lacks space), a beer bong, and wire frame hangers to mount the beer bong to the rack. Possibly also string or shoe laces to tie the hangers together. I haven't tested this yet however. It may be necessary to punch holes near the top of the funnel.

Then again, this is because I'm looking to self funnel, and I don't yet have the capacity so I need an easy way to support it without having to hold it up for a real long time.

Hopefully something in here is useful to you.
2 years

Rotate option for pics

While something to think about, well.. I doubt it's really needed right away? I have the impression the web site owner, who I believe is also the only programmer, has a lot of his plate as it is. There is a fairly easy work-around however.

On Windows anyway, it's an option within MS Paint, at least since Windows 7, if not since Vista. It's one of the icons near the Select tool, where you'll see options to rotate clockwise 90º, counterclockwise 90º, 180º, flip horizontal, and flip vertical. Again on Windows, even in File Explorer, there should be an option to rotate even without fully opening MS Paint if you right-click on the file.

No idea about MacOS, but I'd be very surprised if there isn't something similar, or they'd make it hard to find.

Hopefully this helps in the near term.
2 years

Feeling overwhelmed?

First of all, welcome to FF. You've taken one of the first, more important steps. It means you're acknowledging possibilities.

I get the impression that you're going through a somewhat new experience for you, and perhaps you're unsure of what it means?

It can also take time, sometimes a very long time, to really come to terms to this. Looking at your profile, I'm glad you're figuring this out sooner in life rather than later. Some of the things I figured out for myself, I sometimes regret not figuring it out sooner. That said, to be clear there's no set timeline on this. It's best not to rush anything, and go at whatever pace seems the most comfortable for you.

I recommend exploring it more, maybe even experimenting a little bit if you're up for it. There's all sorts of no or low cost things you can try. Maybe see how you feel if you were to say, get a large pizza and then make a point of eating as many slices as possible. Whatever you do, you'll probably deal with a lot of internal conflict, or mixed feelings. It may take a lot of time and reflection to sift through all that, and figure out what you really want or need.

It may seem hard or seem weird sometimes (it's not), but don't give up.

The worst thing is if you dismiss it and live in constant state of denial, conflict, and confusion. If there really is something here, the sooner you come to terms with it, the better. But remember, there's no set timeline and it's best to proceed at whatever pace seems best for you, even if it takes years.
2 years

Questions for feedees on eating more

1. Up to a point. I still get full quicker than I'd like which is frustrating, so maybe not quite eating whatever I want. Though yes, I do like how I'm not concerned about maximum calorie count. If anything, I'm more likely to maximize/optimize for more calories.

If anything, I actually now strongly prefer food with more calories, or seek ways to add additional calories (more mayo or cheese on a sandwich, more sugar and cream in coffee, etc.). I don't even like the idea of a salad unless it has lots of Caesar dressing, chicken, cheese, and ideally bacon bits too. I also like Haagen-Daaz ice cream over most brands, since it seems to be richer, creamier, and around double the calories. Though there's a few other brands that fit a similar profile.

2. So far, maybe around 50-100% more. I have enjoyed this thoroughly. I only regret that I'm still possibly stuck at a plateau. It's possible I may be beginning to overcome it, but it's too early to be sure. Because well, I wish I could eat even more. I actually get sad when the feeling of hunger goes away too quickly. I want to be able to eat an entire large pizza in one sitting, or if at a restaurant, to have appetizers, two entrees, dessert, and finish everyone else's leftovers too.

I remember when it used to be where at a restaurant, it's possible, even likely that if I order an entree (no appetizers or dessert), unless the portion sizes are small, there's a good chance I'd have to take home leftovers. I want to get to the point where I need appetizers, two entrees, dessert, and I then ask others at the table "Are you going to finish that?" If they say no, to perhaps eat that too.
3 years

First time tips for funnel feeding

I have used a wire coat hanger to surround an upturned 2 litre plastic bottle with the bottom cut out. Fashioned into a hook at the top, it can be hung from a high shelf or ceiling hook.
I used one inch plastic tubing and a full flow valve to make a really good high capacity bong. 3 pints of beer at a time in about 10 seconds!

How did you attach the tube to the empty soda bottle? Suppose you got the tubing and valve from a hardware store?
3 years