
Interesting idea... It might be something we could incorporate on the forums section... Definitely food for though!!!

Thanks for the suggestion!

2 years

Suggestion. limit the amount of people that can be send a message not the amount of messages

After making my post I realized that I hadn't a good understanding about what the basic account limits actually were; it seems like the OP request is pretty much already de facto, no? That's exciting. Thanks for the reply c00kie!

Yes you're right. The way it's currently set up means that the limits refer to amount of users, not individual messages.

Glad to help!
2 years

Suggestion. limit the amount of people that can be send a message not the amount of messages

The messages limits work as follows:

There are no limits on the amount of messages you send. You can send as many replies or first messages to anyone on the site with no limits.

You have 5 message views per rolling 24hours.

Message views relate to the user and not an individual message. For example 5 replies from the same member would only count as 1 message view not 5... This is to allow users to get to know each other on the site and have back and forth conversations.

If you have been speaking with someone over a couple of days, the 24hour message view limit will reset at some point. SO further messages past 24hours will take up another view.

Please note you can keep track at the top of the message page how many views you have remaining and when they will be reset.


We can certainly consider changing the message function, but limits would still need to be in place for regular members. If you have any suggestions about how you think the message system could / should work then do let us know and we can review this.

Thank you for your feedback.

FF Team
2 years

I can see other people's dms

Hi Munchies,

Thanks for getting in touch about this. I am very sorry this you experienced this. It is a chat bug that we are aware of and have been trying to fix.

As of yet we have been unable to replicate the issue, and are unable to 'test'because it happens sporadically. Can you give any further information about what happened / what you were doing on the chat?

Had the chat reset, were you about to click on opening a private chat with someone else, were you typing a reply, changing chat settings... any further information about this will be extremely helpful.

This is not something that should be happening, and we agree, it's a bug that needs to be fixed asap. Your privacy is of the upmost importance, and any help you or anyone else this may have happened to would be appreciated so we can get this sorted.

FF Team
2 years