What size and weight is a bbw?

According to the clothing industry, it is size 14. There really is no fool proof method. If you go by weight, a woman could be 4'8" or 6' 1". If you go by clothing size, a woman could be a size 10 bottom and a size 14 top. Most people agree that BMI measurements are meaningless.
5 years

Acanthosis nigricans = diabetes ?

Have her see a doctor. Don't try to diagnose her online
5 years

Pants not fitting well anymore while sitting

Your shape changes between standing and standing. You need stretch pants which will change shapes with you.
5 years

Why is one sister often heavier than the other?

Not everyone gets the same genes. There are families who might have two sisters with different hair color or eye color.
5 years

Moob growth

Remember that everyone reacts differently to medicines. My doctor put me on Adactone for blood pressure, and my breasts have not grown yet. The herbal stuff usually is not strong enough.
5 years

Friendly my a **

So, one member out of thousands treated you badly and you left? This is not a site where everyone goes through background checks and are pre screened. This is a public forum, and anyone can contact anyone else. (Until you block them.)
5 years

Guide to dating?

You can't lump all "fatties" together. For someone, it might be a strenuous workout at a gym followed by dinner at a salad bar. For others, it might be spending the entire night at an all you can eat buffet, and then going to Dairy Queen for ice cream. Just be sure that you pick places that can accommodate your date's size. I should also say, that many fatties may want to do something that has nothing to do with their size.
5 years

My perspective. feabie vs. fantasy feeder

Both sites are open to the public, and is probably all the same people. People are allowed to beg for money on Feabie, which I do not like (I'm here to make friends, not buy things). No, there should not be anyone age 14 on either site, as they are open only to those who are 18 or older. People are from all over the world on both sites.
5 years

Not sure if my boyfriend is into my weight gain

There are ways to get his opinion without saying too much. You can say that your clothes are getting tight, and see if he comments.
5 years