The freshman 15

no not done the challenge but having visited this site a few times back when it still existed hehe :-)

my first contacts with weight gain i think ....
10 years!

Vintage Smut wrote:
Fenugreek is an awesome appetite stimulant, mood enhancer, and makes you sweat pancakes...I wish I could trick dudes into taking it, get them all squishy.

Oh really you would love to trick someone into taking it ^^ then try me lol ......

maybe i could use some more squishyness before summer arrives i won´t be able to shed all excess pounds before my first time in my swimshorts ^^
10 years

Fattening and teasing your bf

Hi loopy :-)

Yes sure i always forget about those thing ....sure i only could appreciate some teasing form a girl who loves me and i know she just tries to push my buttons or make me get into the mood of longing for sex but trying to feed me only to laugh about my belly getting chubbier while complaining about it hehe the same i find so sexy on girls , too ....if they like it so twisted ....

Oh my you seem to be so perfectly sweet Dear and seeing that cute face of yours beside what you said is really a nice and i definately would blush lol when someone like you would say that to me ....:-)

have a nice day ^^ loopy the ONE ^^
10 years

Fattening and teasing your bf

Oh i love sweet smart teasing knowing exactly that I somehow love my chubb but hate to be less fit than my gf who just tempted me with all her sweetness and somesexy seduction to always eat more forget about restraints and thoughts about getting chubby ......
Me always deying the fact i didn´t do any sports for years now while she is using every weakness to make me eat more get lazier and let me go on thinking I am still as fit and only slightly chubby.

Nurturing my thoughts when they come up about asking her if i should get in better shape again.

Just grabbing my softer bely and telling me : " NA ....see that little pudge you as former sportsguy will get rid of that in a month for sure , didn´t you always said it´s only easy for you to gain weight not losing it."
then she grins and give me some tasty icecream .....

After some pounds she starts teasing me more grabbing my belly chubb cause now she can easily find places where as before i could just flex my abs and prevent that, now there is just to much chubby that this could have any effect even sucking in my belly won´t work, somehow it seems she got faster catching me or grabbing at me hmmm.....

The teasing gets even more often now as she gets a little revenge out of me doing that to her more chubby form before so often.

Not only sweet words get to me but some evil revenge things she thought of for some month now.........
Somehow it dawns on me that now i really got myself very chubby with some little ;-) sweet pushing from my gf.

Now she even uses teasing me for making me insecure letting her chosing our food more careful as she says.

She starts being very sure about my now changed eating habits so she tells me tomorrow after breakfast we will start with a little workout programm and a little fitnesstest to see if it´s still so easy for me to slim down as it was back then (when i was doing sports 5 -6 times a week hmmm) .

She would think such a little experiment would be funny to see if i have the same will power than her when she slimmed down about 30lbs some time before.....

So today after a massive breakfast she starts coming in to the kitchen with slim tight workout pants to show of her more trained and fitter form to me while my belly pokes out slightly under my very tight white shirt revealing some softness around a full belly .
No wonder after that breakfast she made me today to comfort me and give me strenght for our first fitnessasessment.

Grabbing some prominent lovehandles she asks me how many situps and push ups and such things i hardly can remember i was doing back 5 years ago
....hmm my chubby bf we will see how many you can do now ....!!!^^

Get Up poking me gently and repeatetly in my belly until i get up grunting and stuffed from all the pancakes ......

:-) oh i would love something like that happening to me or playing such things in real life from time to time ^^
10 years

Fattening and teasing your bf

Oh you must be the perfect gf ^^

i think it´s definately hotter when sitting stuffed and grunting after a meal in front of your gf who lkes that than when you are only alone stuffed and rubbing your belly for comfort ^^
10 years

Subtle domination/manipulation

Oh one nice manipulative way of getting someone to gain would be to inforce some kind of pavlov reflex ^^

aka connecting food with sex or other rewards i wonder if that would work on me without me noticing .....

oh that would be such a fun one day staying in front of the bathroom mirror my gf coming from behind when i access my body and realize whew how did i get so chubby grabbing my belly and lifting it to let it drop and see the jiggling effect beeing much more intensive and longer than always before she then grabbing me from behind around my bely and says thing like poor little athlete has gained a few ^^ grinning devilishly ....:-)
10 years

Girls on moobs

haha oh that´s funny i at least have more hair in the middle of my chest but to a bit on my still not so soft moobs :-)
10 years

Awkward conversations?

loopytheone wrote:
I get that a lot as well. Eventually I just give up on them. I am not a demanding person but the least I expect is that you can keep up your side of the conversation, you know?

I promise i can do that ;-)

but i know what you all are talking about i rarely get an answer that´s even more embarassing :-(
10 years

Girls on moobs

oh i have hair on my chest ^^
at least if not anymanboobs i feel quite proud of my pecs staying nearly as perky as when i did sports despite my softer belly ;-) but well if a girl get a little meat on me in that area, too a little is ok ^^ but i doubt that here are any girls ;-) being qulified for fattening me!!!! up yet ;-) ^^
10 years

The 2-2-2 donuts plan

I would love to be fattened up by a donut selling girl ;-)

those things are so sweet and tasty and yummy and......

but here in germany they are not very often to get and not tasting so good in the most ways ...:-(

so i will never get chubby i guess :-(
10 years