Your gain

In the beginning it was both because I wavered. There were times I was appalled at my appearance, at other times I got turned on. It's finally settled down into liking how I look and getting turned on.

I remember one late Sunday afternoon going to Walmart in a panic because pants I was going to wear to work that week didn't fit. I got a couple of the cheapest crappiest pants I could find only because they fit. The fact that these were cheap-ass Walmart shit did nothing to make me feel better about myself. Lol
7 years

Surviving summers heat for the disadvantaged (fat)

I am always warm. I have a small fan in my work cubicle. Like chubbynate said, as I'm gaining I sweat more. I even sweat at night in bed. It's so bad at times we've had to change the sheets at 2 am. I keep a bath towel on my pillow, and usually wear a heavy t shirt to bed. Better to change the t shirt than the sheets.

I shave my head which makes the sweating more noticeable. It's quite embarrassing to have to leave somewhere or have someone hand you paper towels. I sweat like the proverbial whore in church.

I had a regular check up and blood work with my doctor, everything is fine. I know that being overweight and out of shape can make it worse. But he didn't say anything about that. Since I'm not going to lose weight, and want to get fatter, I guess I'll have to live with it. :-/
7 years

How long do you save clothes that don't fit?

If they are a size or so different I hold on to them. For example, I have size 17 shirts that are a bit snug in the belly. I'm to the point I have to keep the top 2 or 3 buttons open. So, it's time to segregate them from the bigger sizes. I'm not ready to part with them just yet.

I can hold on to pants a little longer. Technically I could use 44s but I like how the snugness of 42s pushes my belly up and over my belt.

So, it's on an item by item basis when to get rid of things. If I'm looking at 2 or more sizes and I keep going up in weight, I'll weed them out.
7 years

Tucking shirts?

If the shirt is long enough I tuck. I like how it shows off my belly. Some shirts are getting shorter as my belly gets bigger, so I leave them untucked. So, it depends on the shirt.
7 years

250 lbs not fat enough

I'm about 5'6" and 225 lbs, 51" belly. That's unquestionably fat, but not fat enough. I want to get to 245-250, maybe even 265 if I can. I'd love to see how I look at 250! smiley

I'm having a hard time gaining weight because I know I don't eat enough, and I'm losing muscle. I've weightlifted (power lifting) for years but I haven't been in the gym since late winter. Adding muscle will add weight and jack up my appetite.
7 years

Coming to terms with my weight gain

I have no problem in real life, but I can't stand to see my belly and fat face in photos. Anyone else have this experience?

I felt this way for a long time.

I remember one day being dressed for work in khakis and polo shirt, looking in the mirror and seeing how snug the shirt was and how my belt was sliding down. I was pretty upset at how I looked. I immediately changed into something looser fitting.

But as time went on I got to like how I look geing fat. What I think helped me gain confidence is that I am gay and find other fat guys really attractive. I got to like identifying with them, and seeing myself get fatter.

Obviously that won't work for everyone; everyone finds their own way of being comfortable with their appearance.
7 years

How you are treated fat vs thin

I haven't experienced any negative effects or prejudice. I think a lot of how we're treated, being fat or thin, depends on the signals we send. Appear to be confident and in control, and people will treat you with respect. Appear to be insecure and people will steamroll you.
7 years

Unintentional vanity

I'm doing it too, especially now that my by belly is beginning to jiggle and ripple a bit when I move. My pants are getting so snug they kind of push my belly fat up as my belt slides down more. I love seeing this.
7 years

Muscle chub... thoughts?

For me it's a winning combination. I love the look. I really need to get back in the gym and start lifting again. I like the way I looked when I was muscled up. And now carrying more fat than ever... woof! smiley
7 years