Funnel feeding

I have wondered what may be the most economical way to mount a funnel above one's head for solo use.

The easiest way to get a funnel, tube, and valve would be to get a beer bong; and most are pretty low cost. However, no easy way to mount it, since it's assumed you'd hold it above your head or someone else will. But this will get annoying fast, like within 15-30 minutes, if you can't swallow it all, fairly quickly. That and well, I'd think it'd be nicer to have your hands free if it takes longer than you expect.

There is a product called Bongzilla that comes with 6 tubes, and is pole mounted, and you can remove 5 of the tubes. But it seems expensive for what it is.

I've seen door frame mounts that could possibly be adapted, but not everyone has their desk or couch near the door. There's possibly making wooden frames but, you better have a plan and it might not be that cheap nowadays, with lumber pricing through the roof.

I thought about those mounts for various chemistry beakers and tubes, but I don't know if the base would be heavy enough to feel secure, and these aren't always the cheapest thing either.

Maybe this should be it's own thread, I don't know.
3 years

Male sbhm cam models

It's not something I've heard of before, but to be absolutely fair, this is anecdotal evidence and observation.

While I have been in the online feederism community for a long time, I haven't explored the gay focused side of things, so who knows? If you're hoping for an all female audience, I think you'll be sorely disappointed.

On the straight side, the few examples I've seen that come even close, have usually been the case of couples. I highly doubt this is the result of an underserved market. More likely many have likely tried (start up time and costs should be pretty low), then gave up when nothing came of it.

Also, without getting too much into graphic detail, there's also a question as to whether you have the right personality for it. Most folks probably don't.

You'd likely have a better shot at trying to ultimately transition into a job where you can telecommute full-time, and can be performed entirely on a computer. Whatever job this may be, I wouldn't know. Depends on what you're at least somewhat good at.

I'm sorry if this sounds discouraging, but it seems like a more realistic assessment.
3 years

Ever encountered a feederism couple before in public?

I can't prove it, but it's quite possible and I think they might have been.

Typically, I don't assume all size contrast couples are into this. While far from the norm, they're common enough you can't assume anything. I will say that in my area, small male/large female seems to be very uncommon. Most of the contrast couples I do see, it's large male/small female. This is likely the result of an old social double standard that's slowly breaking down - Where the man can be any size and even very fat, but women better be slim, trim, and fit.

Still, if you want a fat woman, it's much, much easier if you are fat.

So one day, I was at a bar. The food there is a joke, and I don't remember seeing anyone there actually eating any. But I've never been there before 10PM so who knows? But at some point, as it's not atypical, sometimes you do see couples there.

At first I didn't pay that much mind, since it seems like 90%+ of the customers and employees are all overweight or obese. But, I guess I got into a random conversation with this couple, and at a bar well you know.. the conversation could be able damn near anything. Somehow, the topic of food came up.

I had the feeling this couple might have been at least somewhat obsessed over food. I also noticed that the woman was somewhat curvy (not bone skinny, you could definitely pinch at least an inch), but her boyfriend.. he was huge. Quite a size contrast.

They also suggested that maybe I should try some seafood restaurant. And I think she said it in sort of a way that kind of implied that maybe she thinks I need to eat more. Of course, none of this proves anything, but it left me wondering.

Awhile later, I thought that perhaps I might have caught up with the boyfriend by chance on Whisper, who said something about feederism. If you aren't familiar with Whisper, it's a mobile app that's a bit of a toxic cesspool a bit like PostSecret, but on rare occasions you might find a decent users who's a diamond in the rough. At some point I asked if he's ever been to that bar. He says yes. But when I commented that I might have actually met them before, I guess he got cold feet, because then I never heard anything again. Still, kind of makes me wonder. Never did get to find out and get a satisfying conclusion.
3 years

Breakfast or no breakfast?

I'd say just follow preference and don't worry about it either way. Skipping breakfast can make it easier to eat more later in the day, so it won't necessarily mean less overall food or calories.

As further proof, most American adults, probably at least 90% don't eat breakfast regularly, if at all. It's not hard to see why.

Somehow, you drag yourself out of bed at 6AM, maybe earlier. Need to get to work by 8AM or so. Commute time can be half an hour, or even an hour. If you have kids, you need to get them to school too. So how exactly are you supposed to have time to eat breakfast? You don't. You do however, drink multiple cups of strong coffee because you need the caffeine to get your ass into gear.

As an alternative thought, an idea might be to have what's basically a heavy cream latte with sugar, that you drink in place of one of your cups of coffee. The recipe:

- 6 teaspoons (1 fluid ounce) of white sugar, which you add first.
- Pour enough steaming hot coffee to fill it up to the 8 fl. oz mark. Do not use cold coffee and then warm up the mixture in the microwave, because this will make a mess.
- Add one cup of heavy cream on top. It should mix almost instantly.

Since you wouldn't have eaten anything, you should be able to consume it quickly. It would also be around 900 calories and in my opinion, tastes pretty good too.

You may find yourself not needing or even wanting to eat for the next couple hours or so. But since we're talking about so-called breakfast time, odds are you may not be eating anything for the next couple hours anyway. Either way, by 9AM or whatever, you should be ready for doughnuts or other pastries and snacks, which you could perhaps graze on until lunch.
3 years

How do you wipe your ass.

I don’t have any issues but you can get bidet attachments for the toilet

bidets are very uncommon in north america, but i have been reading about them for awhile now. i don't have issues wiping, but bidets seem to offer a better sanitary solution in general.

Very uncommon in North America.

I have a possible solution, which I use but started doing so for a different reason.

So you know that time during the onset of COVID where there was nary a toilet paper roll for sale? Entire aisles of grocery and big box stores were completely barren and empty. I also had no idea when this situation would resolve itself. It would fix itself, I just didn't know how long.

Though I had a few rolls of toilet paper, I was in a panic, because I had no idea how long I'd have to make them last. So here's what I did. The only catch is the toilet has to be near the shower head. If it's not, I'm not entirely sure what you can do.

I made my own shower sprayer, using various components I sourced from Amazon. They could possibly be purchased elsewhere, like a hardware store. Every component would have a 1/2 inch diameter, the most common type of shower connection out there.

- T-adapter, with one female input, two male outputs, and a switch to choose between the two.
- A shower hose, at least 6 feet in length but 10 feet or better is ideal. Both ends are female.
- Another adapter, but I-shaped, with one female connection, one male connection, and a switch for turning on and off.
- A shower/kitchen sink style sprayer head with a male connection, with a thumb switch on the back.

Instructions - Attach all the pieces to one another in this order:

1) T-adapter, but the male output off to the side, connect that to the hose.
2) Connect the other end of the hose to the I-adapter (male end).
3) Connect the I-adapter to the sprayer head.
4) Unscrew the shower head.
5) Connect the female input of the T-adapter to where the shower head connects.
6) Reattach the shower head to the male output of the T-adapter.

Now you have a system where you can even use warm water, rather than the frigid cold water which makes it less pleasant. The I-adapter is there as an additional safeguard, since maybe I'm slightly fearful the sprayer may not always hold back the water pressure. It's also a great thing to have if you're the sort who may perform an enema sometimes.

Do NOT use the maximum water flow/pressure when you turn on the shower water. You don't need that much water pressure and you may risk a watery mess.

With a little experience, not that it would take long to figure it out, you'd be able to use half a sheet of paper towel to wipe up the leftover moisture, and you won't see any residue of #2 left at all. Do NOT throw paper towels into the toilet, because that may cause sewage problems.

In theory, you could also use a towel to wipe up the leftover moisture, but I fear there might be a little bit of #2 residue leftover, and it's not a good time if that's on a towel or wash cloth.

But yeah, I've been pleased with the results of this. I only wish this was available in public restrooms too. Perhaps in theory, it may even be possible to do this in many hotel rooms too.

For a more portable solution, I've seen others speak highly of wet wipes. While substantially more expensive than say, regular toilet paper, it shouldn't be too bad if you make a point of only using them if it's only for #2 in public restrooms.
3 years

Weight gain

How many Burgers can you eat in one sitting

Depends on the burger. If it's the Whataburger #3 (jumbo triple), I still struggle to finish one but it's huge; there's likely an entire pound of beef on it.

But from Jack In The Box? Two is mostly doable. I don't get burgers from McD's (I can't abide by the cheese they use) but I'd guess the doubles from JITB are about the same size as the double quarter pounder from McD's.

Wish I could eat more. But one of these days I'll get there!
3 years

22f feedee/small bbw iso a real feeder ❤️

I'd think about offering but..

- Distance (2+ hours).
- Age difference is too much.
- I prefer someone a little taller, though potentially I could get over that.
- Sadly you don't seem as keen on fat men, or men who plan to get fat. Though, they'd likely help reinforce the cycle for you to gain more. And you didn't actually say no to that.

But if you want to just chat and talk anyway, I'd be up for that. Haven't met too many folks since moving to Texas a few years ago. Not impossible but seems harder to meet folks the older you get! Those with kids tend to be even more "time poor!"

Either way, I wish you the best of luck with all this.
3 years

Who was your first internet bbw?

Golly.. I don't know if I really remember who was first.

Probably SexyMic (surprised no one mentioned her yet) or Kelligrl. I would have quickly discovered Brooke. The 90s World Wide Web was a very different place.

Dimensions was the first place on this topic I found, perhaps even the first one ever? It was much nicer in those days. They even had a web page for a mod for fat "sims" (for The Sims 1 video game, back when Maxis was still cool).

I also remember a place called FatNat's.
3 years

Hungry norwegian 243 lbs

Just a friendly reminder that all posts are supposed to be in the English language, as mentioned in the 12th rule found here:

I had to delete two posts in this thread.
3 years

How to get past that “i’m gonna puke” feeling

Is it really wise to try to push past that?

There's definitely a middle ground between comfortably full/moderately satisfied, and the "ate so much I feel like I couldn't eat another bite" feeling; the same feeling where most folks would probably think "Oof I ate too much!" While often easier said than done, particularly because of scheduling concerns, it seems that if you can consistently achieve this "too full" feeling, it'll take more food each time to get there.

Last thing you want is to actually throw up. Not only is it unpleasant, but it also means those calories will fail to be digested.

My suggestion would be to try waiting an hour or two before attempting to eat more.
3 years