Where you stand in "reality"

[b]Like, if you have a significant other or sexual partners.. do they know?
Single;but if there was someone,I'd want to share my preferences with them.
[b]Do your friends know? How would you feel or how do you feel if people you are close to knew or know?
Don't really have any close friends,but if I had,I'd hope I'd be able to share my preferences with them.Family...definitely not:would NEVER accept or understand!

[b]Do you come here just to look, admire, or fanticize? Or are you actually looking for something more here on FF?
Looking for more..want to meet like minded people.
12 years

Deep south usa

I'm British,but am fascinated by the 'deep south'of the US (love the accent)and want to learn more and hopefully visit.I'm looking to chat with anybody from the south..anybody there?smiley
12 years

To "weight" or not

Layla wrote:
I think it depends how big you want to get in the long run, like say you only want to get to 300lbs max and you are 250 now you might gain all that weight before you find a feeder and then youll either have to stop gaining and try and maintain your weight or change your goal.

I started gaining on my own before I even knew what a feeder was because I hadnt joined ff yet and I dont have any regrets but I think the whole process would have been alot more fulfilling with a feeder but because I am happy to get really really huge im not too worried about that, however it seems to be really hard to actually find a suitable feeder so if you choose to wait you might be waiting for years.

Its up to you really i would say maybe just start gaining really slowly, like aim for a few pounds a month or something and see how you like doing it by yourself and then if you dont like it you can always stop and start searching harder for a feeder haha.
hope this helps somewhat lol .
Layla says it all for me..agreesmiley
12 years

Getting fat for your health...

bbwbeth wrote:
Found another calculator which does seem to take this into account more;


This one did show that moving from BMI 40+ to 30 buys me 4.5years.

A life I enjoy, or 4.5 more years of old age?? ....

(It also showed that being a 'normal' weight would buy me 9 more years ... but I figure it would take at least that long to lose the weight - IF i wanted to - so I essentially lose those years to dieting misery anyway!! lol)
Couldn't agree more...enjoy lifesmiley
12 years


I think I am average...I walk several miles a day during the course of my job and general stuff around the house too.
I certainly don't have the energy that I had when I was slim though and find that other people walk faster than me now and I get out of breath after a flight of stairs..but that's all part of the attraction of gaining for mesmiley
12 years

My boyfriends gain!!

Well I'm here having gained 70lbs in 5 years and wanting to gain more...just need a girlfriend now!lolsmiley
12 years

Young ssbbw over 400lb

bignbeautiful wrote:
I'm not at the 400lbs range but I am up to around 350 and it's so hard to find someone who will go out with me without being ashamed or embarrassed of his preference
Aww,that's a real shame..hope it doesn't get you down too much.Don't forget also that men mature later than women and at 18 most of us are immature idiots frankly!
12 years

Need some help

randomlancila wrote:
you have no right to tell your girlfriend what to do with her body, nor to make her feel like the way she is isn't good enough.

if your relationship honestly depends on her gaining 15lbs, it's time for you both to find someone new. you should find someone who is fat or who is interested in getting fat for her, not for you.
12 years


CurvyEm wrote:
OxrexO wrote:
CurvyEm wrote:
All my fetishes are fat related. As in I can't achieve climax without that aspect. So yeah, fat is my fetish but there are lots of other things I enjoy but wouldn't be able to achieve climax without the fat aspect.

Sorry, I didn't read this untill after I had made my first post haha
I feel the exact same way! It took me a really long time to accept it though.

Me too, although I didn't even know it for the longest time but looking back I've always had this thing, it just took my brain a long while to put two and two together haha
Yeah,pretty much sums me up toosmiley
12 years