
bbwbeth wrote:

So, just as an update, I went to the gym yesterday! Yay! I did 10 mins on treadmill, 10 mins on bike and 10 on rowing machine. Not loads, I know, but it did help me to feel less sluggish.

That's an awesome start and I think I'm gonna use you as inspiration and do the exact same thing. Breaking your cardio down into 10-minute sections makes it feel so much more achievable smiley
12 years

Baked beans love em or hate em

Wow, so many baked bean haters!

I had Heinz (you know it makes sense - own brand is yuk) on buttered toast with grated cheese on top for me tea only this weekend. Was scrummy.

I'm not a factory-made tomato-sauce fan at all (ketchup-URGH) but beanz are the exception.

Liberate your bean lovin and get involved.
12 years


I just got a cute red polka dot bikini from Figleaves. The range isn't huge in the bigger sizes but they do have some.

But as for wearing it in public - hmmm. I'm a bit nervous of that. I'd love to go to the beach with a group of other fatties, as I truly would LOVE to just DO IT and get my tummy out, hahaha!
12 years


I spent 6 years until recently going to the gym at least twice a week, doing lots of core stuff with free weights, because I think it's important to stay strong if you're gonna be fat.

I stopped because my personal trainer wasn't available, which is a pathetic excuse because I could still have gone and worked out without him! But I found what motivated me was throwing money at the problem, unfortunately. Having someone waiting for you to show up is a good (if expensive) way to get your backside to the gym.

Or, before I could afford that, I got nearly as good results with a gym buddy. We would arrange to meet there and do our workout together. Feels like you can't let them down. It is hard to find someone of similar fitness levels though, and in front of whom you won't be intimidated or embarrassed to get all sweaty haha smiley
12 years

Fave summer songs

She Bangs The Drums by the Stone Roses. Reminds me of Paris, summer 1989.
12 years

Feederism on television

I loved the tiny clip during the end credits of The Inbetweeners movie when they open the bedroom door and whatsisname (the one who always talks about "clunge"smiley and the pretty chubby girl were feeding each other pizza in bed. My mouth dropped open when I saw it & I had to freeze frame & rewind!

I was irritated at the start that he didn't fancy her cos she was fat, but the movie redeemed itself slightly when it turned out she was clearly the sassiest, sexiest girl in the film. Plus all the boys taking the p.iss out of her were portrayed as d.ickheads.
12 years

How many females on here?

Lol Ruby, that's (approx) 1480 very sad men!

Can someone give me a clue what they get (or hope to get) out of pretending to be women? Apart from sheer trollery, that is - I'm assuming there aren't enough people with personality disorders to account for all of them.

Actually on second thoughts who wouldn't want to be a lovely fat lady?! I think I might even pretend to be one if I weren't, too smiley
12 years

How many females on here?

If you're talking about actual numbers of members, rather than active members, can someone with Gold membership search for "male" profiles and separately for "female" profiles and give us a rough answer?

As for the numbers of active members I agree with Saph that there's s lot of male lurkers. But even taking that into account my feeling is that there are way fewer women than 36%. You only have to look at the numbers of comments under women's versus men's pics to see the disparity. Also, the few women that are on here to tend to be over-represented in the forums because they tend to want to get involved and are basically more socially active and motivated (it seems to me anyhow, no disrespect to the fellas, but generally it's the girls organising parties and meet-ups etc).

So it might appear there's a lot of women here but actually it's just that we make more noise hahaha!

My guess is that men outnumber women by at least 5:1, might be as much as 10:1. Just a hunch mind.
12 years

Come play hangman!!

The foo fighters. Just a hunch.
12 years

Come play hangman!!

Darn, too late!
12 years