Woman at work keeps touching my belly?

Am I the only one who doesn�t think it�s a big deal?

Perhaps the people here may feel that way. But if it happened for real at a business, it is sexual harassment, and the courts would think it would be a big deal.
5 years

Non-fa dating site secret signs ;)

Looking for a growing relationship with a BBW, Seeking someone for personal growth, Seeking someone who enjoys delicious food, etc., etc. If you are the gainer, you can say how much you weigh, but then state that it might become higher.

Some Tormented FA:
"Seeking someone who enjoys delicious food" might work. "Seeking BBW" is too risky. Most people already know what BBW means. And if they don't know it, then they've at least heard it said before when the inevitable kink-shame discussions turn up. That last suggestion is good tho.

Wanting someone to gain is a sexual kink. Liking a BBW is a preference, and nothing to hide.
5 years


Probably they just seem smaller with the rest of her expanding. As the band size increases in her bra, the cup volume will also increase. So, her cup size could actually go down if her breasts stay the same.
5 years

Non-fa dating site secret signs ;)

Looking for a growing relationship with a BBW, Seeking someone for personal growth, Seeking someone who enjoys delicious food, etc., etc. If you are the gainer, you can say how much you weigh, but then state that it might become higher.
5 years

Have a huge crush on a girl that has a bf, not sure what to do?

Friend her on Facebook, and see if anything becomes of it. It probably won't, and you'll be done with her. If you both end up breaking up, maybe something will become of it. Many times when there is a romantic attraction, there is also a friend attraction, so you may just be friends and nothing else.


No No No.

Guys, never do this. It's not cute... it's creepy, stalkerish, and often threatening.

Secondly, you know that people in the service industry, especially those reliant on tips basically have to be nice to you. Stop thinking that because wait staff smiles at you or talks to you that they are your soul mate. It's their job.

I completely agree.

In my opinion, it's not stalking until the other person says no, or shows no interest. But I am older, and the definition of stalking has changed over the years. If the person has 3 friends, it's obvious they are close friends. If she has 100, then she has casual people she has met. But it is a good point that servers are extra nice to get tips. Also, wanting someone for mostly physical reasons is not good either. So, perhaps it is best just to drop it.
5 years

Woman at work keeps touching my belly?

There's something special about consensual touching. I remembered a woman on my bowling team would have a few beers, then rest her breasts on me while I was doing the scoring. I then asked her out, and just non-sexually touched her shoulders with my shoulders at a movie theatre and she told me to stay on my side of the seat. That ended any social contact with her for me.
5 years

Have a huge crush on a girl that has a bf, not sure what to do?

Friend her on Facebook, and see if anything becomes of it. It probably won't, and you'll be done with her. If you both end up breaking up, maybe something will become of it. Many times when there is a romantic attraction, there is also a friend attraction, so you may just be friends and nothing else.
5 years

Woman at work keeps touching my belly?

This is beginning to sound like something from the story section has found its way to the forums.
5 years

Woman at work keeps touching my belly?

That type of behavior is totally inappropriate. If you are falling asleep on the job, she has the right to discipline you. But she has no right to touch you or talk about your eating habits when you are off the clock, or your body. Even if it is OK with you, she may do it to someone else.
5 years

Where did you study?

George Mason University
6 years