Heart broken

I was commenting on what Reflection of perfection said.
Sorry I didn't hit quote before I sent that.
2 years

Heart broken

Not all women here are here for money so please don't put us all in one basket.
2 years

Transgender and gaining

Wise words Munchie.
I will add junk food overload is not healthy.
One tip I can give is eat what you like just larger portions and snack more.
My metabolism was fast so it took me months to see any gains and those didn't stick and if I gained 5 lbs it would vanish quickly.
Once your metabolism slows gaining will be much easier.
2 years

Transgender and gaining

Try to not say the word like so much.
Not being mean or putting you down but people say that word too much and in sentences where it doesn't belong grammatically.

Happy gaining !!
2 years

I am thinking of using estrogens to feminize myself and to make my breasts and butt grow more, w

Here in the USA you have to be living as the other gender for one year and be seeing a gender therapist before being cleared to see an Endo.
It takes years for some.
I used to work with LGBT and trans folks quite a bit mostly FtM transition cases.
I'm no expert as to what the rules are now because I stopped working with the LGBT.
2 years

I am thinking of using estrogens to feminize myself and to make my breasts and butt grow more, w

Not as easy as you might think.
I know a few people that cannot get it.
Its up to the therapist and the endo doctors.
Sometimes the medication is too dangerous to the person.
2 years


No thanks not for me I am way too clean and tidy. Heck I sweep the floors in my house every other day.
Kitchen gets cleaned every day.
I know people that live like that and they deal with mice,rats and huge roaches.
Best to keep it a fantasy than actually live that way.IMO
2 years

I am thinking of using estrogens to feminize myself and to make my breasts and butt grow more, w

I know several MtF trans that have gone thru HRT and have fully transitioned and HRT didn't really change their bodies all that much.
One still has a few male markers like wide shoulders and narrow hips.
Her butt is more developed than before her transition.
There is no guarantee HRT will give you the figure you want but it will help your gender dysphoria and your mental well being.
2 years

I am thinking of using estrogens to feminize myself and to make my breasts and butt grow more, w

If you aren't diagnosed with gender dysphoria I doubt any doctor would help you with hormones or HRT.
2 years

Intros in notifications?

Noticed that myself.
Seemed intrusive at first but I see why they would do this.
2 years