Ever broken a piece of furniture?

My wife and I broke a bed just taking a nap.
4 years

Things to say to my fatty

My wife recently told me that it's getting hard to have her hands meet when she hugs me.
4 years

Sweet vs savoury

That's a new one. How would you make a savory gainer shake?

You know Alfredo sauce and how it's savory? Well it's basically just heavy cream, melted Parmesan cheese, and butter combined together. Sometimes spices like garlic and herbs are added as well. The result is a delicious, savory, fatty fluid. You could add all sorts of cheeses, spices, herbs, and sauces to it. Some potential examples are tapenade, aioli, pesto, and hummus. Not sure how they'd work in practice though. You could also put in onion dip seasoning.

A nice thing about alfredo sauce is that you can cook up a big batch and keep it in the fridge for whenever you want it over pasta.
4 years

Does anyone ever desire to have body parts of the opposite sex?

Started with the pills. Now I just order the powder off of Amazon. Mix a couple teaspoons in milk. For breakfast and before bed

How much have you grown with that?
4 years

Is anyone else here clinically underweight?

I was very much like that. 6'1 and barely 130. A couple years after high school, I was working at a pizza restaurant. There I started to gain weight at a decent clip. X years later I'm 315 or so. My weight has stagnated at about that for five years and I want to gain a lot more.
4 years

Good beginner shakes?

Cake shakes were my favorite and boy did they work! Blew up like a balloon! Just leave out the egg and mix that shake with milk or water or ( heavy whipping cream)

When you "blew up like a balloon", was that your stomach getting super-stuffed or did you also get fatter?
4 years

Skinny people who became fat?

I was very skinny until the age of 20 or so. At that time I went back on psych meds and started working at a pizza restaurant. I soon started to steadily gain weight. My all time high was around 330 pounds. I'm now 310 and am trying to get to at least 450 pounds.
5 years

New girl and gaining

Good for you! You really don't want to be with someone shallow enough to give you ultimatums like that.
5 years

Are stretch marks sexy

I like seeing stretch marks on me and others.
5 years