Weight loss product ads on mobile - rant and questions

So I apologize in advance if this might be a trigger thing for some. I may even make reference to certain things that are a bit gruesome. If so, I might advise you not to read farther.

Fortunately however, I don't happen to know of anyone who uses any of these products, though it's not like I ask.

Brief Background

I, along with probably many other users here, might play various mobile phone games or other mobile apps. At least, this is the only place where I've seen them.

The ads I see make outrageous claims, such as losing 25-30+ pounds in say, 30 days. Mix some sort of thing into water, drink it every day, and it comes right off. It also irritates and annoys me since well, the before pretty much always looks better. The ads also show short, dramatized clips of what's supposed to be fat, being dissolved away near instantly. It's creepy as hell, as I have to turn away in disgust until the ad is finished playing. At least I don't see ads like that on TV/Hulu/etc.

I *have* actually once heard of a truly godawful weight loss pill, probably from developing countries with lax regulation or enforcement, that actually delivers on the promise. But it does so by infecting you with roundworms which is truly nasty. Don't look it up. You'll end up in the hospital to get treated for it, and more often than not, gain back all the weight lost, at least if the roundworm doesn't cause starvation first.

But no, I think this might be a different product.


So my questions are.. has anyone else seen these ads? Maybe know what I'm talking about?

More importantly, what the hell are these products, what's really in them, and where do they come from?

I'm 99.99% sure the FDA would never approve anything like this, and Australian, Canadian, and EU/UK standards are even more stringent, so if you live there, you aren't going to find anything like this on the shelves of your local pharmacy.
3 years

When did your appetite increase?

Very interesting, and encouraging responses!

I've been frustrated for some time, though it sounds like if I can somehow get to 200+ lbs, the odds are good that's when the "seal will be broken" so to speak. When I might be able to really eat the way I'd like to, that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. It's frustrating when it feels like I fill up too quickly.

It also suggests that when or even if I can go on say, a 2 week cruise (or some other sort of all-inclusive vacation), at least if it's with the idea of gaining as much as possible, it'd be best to do that after 200ish lbs. or whenever this really kicks in. When I'd finally be able to really eat, and combined with the near constant food and drink, could mean gaining perhaps even a pound a day.

I was also encouraged by the response where someone ate an entire large pizza, and still felt hungry afterward.
3 years

Male content creators

Solo? Not that I've heard of, but this isn't beyond all realms of possibility. I'd be interested too, though I've been around the online feederism scene a long time, and don't recall of any cases.

In most cases I've seen, he's usually part of a couple and seems a bit more like a secondary character, but still not the star of the show.

Maybe a different story on the subset that's more focused on gay relationships? I don't really lurk around those areas much at all. Even so, I'd think I might have heard of a case or two by now.
3 years

Limits/goals - how did you decide?


Most of the goals I have are pretty much arbitrary and the satisfaction of breaking past psychological barriers.

I've never been over 200 lbs before, so I know I would like to be. 222 lbs is another, since that's just over 100 kg. 250 to maybe even 300 lbs is another nice, round number.

Not just weight, either. I have no idea how much I'd have to gain, but reaching the point where the thighs are bigger around than my waist was when I first started gaining will be incredible too.

The average American male between the ages of 20-59 (inclusive) is also, as of this writing, about 202 lbs, though slowly increasing every year. So of course, exceeding this will be thrilling, since this would mean I would be heavier and larger than most men. At that point, hopefully annual holiday weight gain, where I end up a few pounds heavier each year, will kick in so I'd continue to remain larger than most men.

I also want to be able to achieve certain eating milestones, such as eating an entire large pizza in one sitting. As of this writing, eating a #3 largo combo (triple burger with around 3/4 lbs of beef, 42 fl. oz. soda) from Whataburger at once is a challenge, but sometimes doable, though only if I haven't eaten for a long while.


As for limits or where I might like to stop and settle, I'm not sure. Short of serious problems, I suppose whenever I feel satisfied. Probably when I achieved several of the psychological milestones I mentioned earlier.

There are a few things that could cause me to stop earlier than planned. Fortunately, I have no family history of the various health conditions that could cause an early stop to weight gain, though that may be one reason.

Another reason is if I ever lose the ability to function independently, though at 300 lbs or smaller, that seems very unlikely.

Other reasons could include losing the ability to shave the unmentionable private areas or not being able to clip my own toenails, though then again, it's my hope my financial situation may improve to the point where I could get regular pedicures and manzilian services. Just imagining that I might have to lift my gut so they could perform it, I find very exciting. Hope that's not TMI but the original question asked about limits and I wasn't graphically explicit.

I doubt I would ever lose the ability to fit into most cars or break many chairs. Chairs with low weight limits seem to be being phased out. But I could see it being a snug fit, or being large enough I can't comfortably fit into the center seat of a couch or a bench seat of a car (with 2 others on either side), but it seems like almost no one ever sits in those places anymore.
3 years

1 million calories a year.. or even 1.25m, 1.5m? curious type of goal i haven't heard of befor

Don't suppose anyone has thought of this as a goal? It's an interesting idea to say the least. Not sure if it's a sensible goal though, since the commitment period is over a very long period of time. Ideally, you'd end up hitting that goal without even thinking about it, simply because you eat at least that much anyway, automatically.

Of course, I'd imagine many of you reading this already surpassed this, without even thinking about it in this way. Still, it's an amazing thing to think about.

1+ million calories a year would roughly equal at least 2,738 calories a day on average. 1.25+ million would be 3,423 calories a day. 1.5+ million would be around 4,107 calories a day.

Either way, maybe I should make it a goal for 2022 to be my first 1 million calorie year! Of course, I wouldn't mind if I end up hitting that goal early. I can only dream of being able to hit the 1.5+ million calorie milestone.
3 years

Sugaring feedees: does "sugar feedees" are a thing?

In real life? Can't say that I ever have. It seems to be entirely the domain of fantasy and erotica.
3 years

Is all purpose cream heavy cream?

Maybe? What does it say on the side on the nutrition label?

In the US, the definition of heavy cream is a minimum of at least 36% milk fat. This works out to 50 calories per tablespoon, or 100 calories per US fluid ounce. Google, or Windows Calculator have functions to convert between units of measurement.

In some countries, the term "double cream" is used instead of "heavy cream" but I don't know if you saw that.
3 years

Making a funnel

Most of the ones I've seen look like beer bongs, which are easily available for the most part.

Probably the most economical solution if you just want to try it at first.
3 years

Forgetting to eat lunch?

I know, weird question to ask on a web site like this.

But does anyone else ever forget to eat lunch, either from just being so busy or not having time, either perceived or actual? Or you get distracted enough, simply from there always being more to do? Worst part is, this can happen even when I feel slightly hungry. Then it might end up being a false economy because of less energy/not feeling as well later, until I eat a late dinner.

This no doubt has contributed to my difficulty in gaining. I try to remember to eat lunch, though. Also can't remember the last time I ate breakfast. But yeah, can be hard to gain if on some/many days all you have is one late dinner and some midnight snacking after that.

Hopefully I'm not the only one who deals with this from time to time.
3 years

Is it fair to tell someone you’re into their size; even if you know they’re not happy

I suggest you broach this subject very carefully, if you do at all. No one here is going to know the situation as well as you do. While his perspective on this would be interesting, I would NOT recommend showing him this web site just yet. Perhaps it might be easier when you stay with him for longer.

Maybe he'll come around, but you know, maybe he won't. In spite of very significant strides in fat acceptance in recent years, particularly within the last 20 years and especially within the last 10 years, there's still a significant degree of fat-phobia out there, and still a desire by many to be thin. I also notice you're in the UK, which isn't quite as far along in fat acceptance as the US, at least not yet though I think it'll get there. But even though I live in the US, and live in what's likely one of the more fat-friendly areas of the US too, I'm still quite nervous about mentioning feederism explicitly.

While it seems unfortunate for you that he's unhappy with his size, what's unclear is why. Has he ever told you why? The why is important. It's possible some of his concerns might be less of a big deal than he thinks, or aren't there.

At least it seems you're interested in him whether he's into this sort of thing or not.

There is one fear of mine I see here, though sincerely I hope it's not the case. That he both hates his size yet seems unable/unwilling to do what's needed to get down to where he might rather be. I also notice you're no skinny-mini yourself. Of course, I find that lovely but that's not the point. The fear I have is he decided to get into a relationship with a large woman when the opportunity presented itself, maybe because he thinks he can't have a relationship with a thin/skinny woman? I really hope this is way off base. Please tell me it is.
3 years